Alex's past

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"Where's Alex?" Addison asked Teigra. It wasn't like Alexandra to be late for work. If fact, ever since Teigra showed up, Alexandra hadn't even really left the base. She spent her off hours with Noam and Teigra. He wasn't mad about that. He just missed seeing her outside of work.

Teigra shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. She left last night to get more clothes from home. She also said that she wanted to buy some clothes, toys, and games for my brother and I. She promised that she'd be back in the morning when I woke up, but she's not here."

Addison gave a nod, "Hmm okay. I'll get Grey to go with me and check her home."

"Can I come?" Teigra wondered

"Um..I don't know if that's a good idea." Addison replied "It could be dangerous."

Teigra sighed, "Okay then I'll stay here in case Alex comes back."

    Meanwhile with Alexandra, she regained consciousness in a dark but warm room. Almost like a dungeon. There were fire and flames all around followed by three people standing in front of her. They were talking in whispers.

"She's not Asha. She can't be." One man uttered

Another man turned to an older woman, "You said you killed her, right?"

"I've told you over and over again. She was taken care of." The woman told them

Alexandra cleared her throat, "Okay. Who are you people? Who's Asha? And where the hell am I?"

"You're in the underworld." The first man replied "I'm Ammon." He points to the other man, "This is my brother Morfran." Points to the older woman, "And this is my mother Kasdeya. Asha was our niece. My mother's granddaughter."

"Ammon. I know that name." Alexandra repeated "You were the one that sent those people for Teigra."

Ammon nodded, "I am."

"Why did you take me?" Alexandra wondered

"You look like Asha, but you can't be her." Morfran informed "Mother told us she killed Asha. She was ordered to by our father."

Alexandra sighed and ran a hand through her long blonde hair, "Okay I feel like I'm missing something."

Kasdeya bit her lip, "Basically we're demons. And in our family female demons are considered weaker than males. Every few generations, the female children are killed. Asha's father hid his daughter away from her grandfather to protect her, but when she was four she was finally discovered. When her father was gone, his father collected the family and killed Asha's mother in front of her and her brother Malik. I was tasked with killing my only granddaughter." She paused and took a breath, "Well maybe I should just show you." She stepped forward towards Alexandra and was about to place her hands on the younger woman's temples.

"Whoa! What are you doing?" Alexandra questioned as she leaned away from the older woman

"Don't worry. It won't hurt." Kasdeya assured. She spoke in a soft, soothing voice as she gently placed her fingers on the younger woman's temples.

    Memories that Alexandra had long since forgotten flashed through her mind. The murder of her mother. Being ripped from her brother. And being abandoned by her grandmother. No, not abandoned. Saved.

"You saved me." Alexandra muttered as she blinked and looked at the older woman.

"Mother, what is she talking about?" Morfran inquired

Kasdeya hugged Alexandra and then turned around to face her sons, "I couldn't kill her. She was an innocent little girl. I saved her. I left her somewhere that she would be found and hoped for the best. I prayed and hoped that she'd be adopted. I followed her trail over the years and made sure that no one from this family found her. I made sure she was safe, but when Teigra found her I knew that I couldn't hide the truth anymore."

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