Atak and Auris

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Atak and Auris were putting together the last details of their plan. Auris, the younger twin, was feeling a bit nervous as the time was getting closer for the plan to be put into action.

"This is going to work, Ta? Right?" Auris questioned

Atak nodded, "Of course it's going to work, but we both have to play our part and execute the plan flawlessly."

Auris blinked, "I know. I'm just a little nervous."

Atak rested his hand on Auris' shoulder, "Don't be. You're going to do fine."

Meanwhile with Sarrin and Teigra. It had taken some time for them to track down and vet everyone on Sarrin's list, but after a week they had gone through the whole list. All the people on the list were cleared, and they were still no closer to finding out who was after Malik. It was kind of frustrating.

Sarrin sighed as she collapsed onto the couch in her lair, "I don't understand. I was sure that it was someone on the list." She looked at Teigra, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. This just means that it's someone we haven't suspected yet."

"But who?" Sarrin wondered, "Who could be off my radar?"

The twins phased into Sarrin's lair. Atak appeared right in front of Sarrin and Teigra, while Auris appeared behind them.

Teigra and Sarrin stared at Atak. Sarrin opened her mouth to speak, but then a glowing light appeared around hers and Teigra's throats as Auris choked them with their auras. 

While Auris was preoccupying Sarrin and Teigra, Atak grabbed Malik. She knew enough to not kill Sarrin and Teigra even though she wanted to.

Teigra fought against the invisible force, fighting to save her brother, but she wasn't strong enough. She watched Atak cradling her brother in his arms as he stared at her and then phased out. Subsequently, she and Sarrin were released from whatever was wolding them.

Teigra rubbed her hand over her throat, "What was that? Who was that?"

"I have no idea." Sarrin replied, rubbing her own throat.

Teigra sighed as she slid down to the floor, knees pulled into her chest, holding them close as she rocked back and forth.

"I broke my promise. I didn't protect him."

Sarrin squatted down to Teigra's eyeline, "We'll get him back."

"What if we don't?"

"We will. I promise." Sarrin assured

Teigra looked up at the woman as she blinked her eyes, "What do we do now?"

Sarrin shook her head, "Not we, Teigra. Me. I need to bring in reinforcements, and it's dangerous for you. I need to do this alone."

"But he's my brother."

"I know, and I will get him back. But I need to know that you are safe, so please...go home." Sarrin insisted

    Teigra huffed. She didn't look happy, but she shimmered away. Sarrin didn't know where the young girl had gone, but she hoped that she had gone home. She couldn't worry about having to protect Teigra.

    Sarrin quickly pushed Teigra out of her thoughts as she rushed over to her book. She flipped to the page about Onesh. Most of the Onesh were dead, but she knew of one. However, he wasn't the most friendly. He was angry about what happened to his family and he wanted revenge.

    Sarrin recited the spell to summon an Onesh. It was a fairly simple spell. At the end you mention the name of the Onesh that you'd like to summon. He flamed in front of Sarrin. He was angry as hell.

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