Saving Malik

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At the Air Force base with Alexandra, Addison, Noam, Imogen and her children. Alexandra was still pretty out of it, but the cuddles and hugs from Noam, Ludo and Miray were pretty soothing.

Roshaun was beamed in with Jonas, or Cupid as he preferred. Roshaun gently hugged Alexandra.

"How are you, Ash?" Roshaun asked not knowing that Alexandra hadn't said a word since she had been returned. Even though her name is Alexandra, most of the family calls her by her birth name Asha.

Addison shook his head, "She doesn't remember the baby. She hasn't even uttered a word since she was returned."

"Where's Tei?" Roshaun wondered as Addison just shrugged

"She told me that she was going to find her baby brother." Imogen explained.

Roshaun sighed, "That's just like her too. I hope she's okay." He glanced over at Jonas.

Jonas shook his head, "I can't sense her."

"Where could she be?" Roshaun wondered. He wasn't actually asking. It was more of a rhetorical question.

Meanwhile in Sarrin's lair with Teigra and Sarrin, who was flipping through her book of magical beings, demons and witches. None of the ones that are in Sarrin's book are more powerful than Sarrin herself.

"I don't get it." Teigra uttered, "Who could be more powerful than you? And why do they want Malik?"

"It could be someone we don't know about. Someone who has been hiding in the shadows for this very moment." Sarrin suggested

Teigra furrowed her eyebrows as she was shaking her head, "But Malik's just a baby. What could be so special about him?"

"I don't know. Asha is only a witch-demon hybrid. That's nothing special in this age." Sarrin replied, "Are you sure that Addison is mortal?"

Teigra nodded, "Yes."

    Sarrin turned her attention to Malik as she stared at him almost as if to ask 'What are you? Why are you so important to this mystery person?' Malik didn't react. He was just peacefully sleeping away.

"We're going to have to feed him soon." Teigra pointed out , and she had no idea how they were going to do that. They didn't have any breast milk of formula for baby Malik.

"We will, but let him sleep now."

Teigra buried her head in a rare beings book. She didn't know why she pulled it off the bookshelf. It was just a feeling that she had. As Teigra flipped through the pages, she passed Avalae, Enpir, Esyn, Soinae, and others. She stopped on the page of Onesh and stared at the page in front of her eyes. Something about it just spoke to her.

Teigra turned her attention to her baby brother and then glanced back at the page in the book. She did that about four times and then shook her head, before turning the page. 'No that's not possible.' She thought, 'There hasn't been an Onesh in generations. I'm pretty sure they're extinct.'

"Who are Addison's parents?" Sarrin wondered

Teigra shrugged, "I don't know. He never knew his dad and his mom was in and out of his life. He grew up in foster care."

Sarrin hummed, "Hmm."

"Hmm what?" Teigra inquired

Sarrin furrowed her eyebrows as she was deep in thought. After a few moments she finally replied, "Oh...uh...nothing. Excuse me a moment."

Sarrin opened a secret passage in the wall and walked into the secret room as Teigra stared at her thinking, 'That was strange.' She shook her head and then went back to flipping through her book. It did no good for her baby brother if all she did was stare at Sarrin in a perplexed manner. It didn't solve any problems or answer any questions.

Teigra checked in on her still sleeping brother, "Don't worry, bubba. We're going to find out who's after you. And why."

In another lair in the underworld there resided a pair of twin siblings. One liked the shadows and the other craved to enter the light. No one knew of their existence, but all that was about to change. Alone neither was stronger than Sarrin, but together they were the ultimate power, a force not to be reckoned with.

"Soon they will see. Soon they will all see." Atak told his sister

"And then Mother will be sorry for hiding us away?" Auris wondered

Atak nodded, "Yes Auris. They will all be sorry."

Atak and Auris were born to a witch, who didn't know who the father was. She had a traumatic, abusive relationship which she blocked out. She literally didn't remember the guy's name. Although given what he had done to her and how he had treated her, that was probably for the best. Their mother felt indifferent towards them. Before the twins were born, they were known as bastard children. After they were born, they were discarded like they never mattered at all. They were called weak and they've never seen the woman who birthed them since the day they were born.

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