Song (2)

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"That restaurant owner was pretty. Her doctor friend as well, but I like the restaurant one." Mark continues to blabber about that ever since we left. We we're currently in the office and he hasn't stopped talking about it even while he was sorting some documents.

"You know, you and that doctor look good together. You should go for her, so I could see the friend more often." I shake my head and run my palms over my face. "Uuuurrgggghh!" I grunt, leaning back on my chair. 

"What's wrong with you?" Mark finally stops blabbing and walks towards me. He stops in front of my desk, hands in his waist and gives me a look. 

"You won't stop talking about her." I exasperate, slamming my hands on the desk. He gives me a confused look and I just roll my eyes. 

"And? She looks really nice. Her doctor friend does too. And--" He gets cut off when I grabbed the stapler beside me, threatening to throw it at him.

He takes a step back and gives me a baffled look. "What?" He says, out utter confusion in his voice.

I rub my temples and look at him in the eye. "It's her." I say.

He furrows his brows as he tries to analyze what I just said. It takes him a few seconds before his eyes grew wide and his jaw falls to the ground. "It's her?!" I nod my head and continue to rub my temples.

"The restaurant owner's your ex wife? What?! Your ex wife? The love of your life who broke your heart? I thought her name was Yaya, I though---" I cut him when off when I released an annoyed grunt.

"The doctor friend! The restaurant owner's doctor friend! It's her. She's Yaya. She's my ex wife! The love of my life who broke my heart! Does that ring a bell now?" I say all that in one breath, my frustration beating out of me. It took so much strength not to stand up and strangle him out of his oblivion.

I huff out a breath and rest my head on my palms. There was a long silence from Mark. I thought he'd have a humongous reaction, but I guess he probably left. He finally realized I needed a break.

Well, that was what I thought. I bolt up my seat when I feel Mark's hand hit the back of my neck, sending my head towards the desk.

"What are you doing?!" I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion. Seriously, what is this man smoking?

He gives me a serious stare before he hits my forehead with his palm again. "Hey! Stop it!" I say, trying to swat his hand.

He rests his hands on his waist as get walks back to his old place, in front of my desk. "You just saw her, then why the hell did you act like you didn't know her?" He spats.

I scratch the back of my neck and take a seat on my chair. " 'Dr. Sperbund' " I take a breath as he mimics me. "What was that?" He asks in disbelief.

"I got caught off guard! I didn't know what to do when I saw her at the hospital." I say, trying to defend myself.

" The hosp---She's the one who stitched you up, wasn't she?" He asks me. I only nod my head as I looked down. I felt like I was being scolded by my mom.

"And you decided to just act like you didn't know the woman? I can't believe you." He runs his hand over his hair and takes the seat in front of my desk.

"Well, what was I suppose to say? I haven't seen her in 6 years and all of a sudden, not long after I step foot back in the country the universe hands her to me. Was I suppose to say 'Hi'?" It took me so long to get accustomed living without her. It took years before I finally realized that she was never coming through that door again, with her heavy books in hand and her messy hair. But actually, I never really accepted it that she wasn't with me anymore, I just ended up getting used to it at one point.

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