Sam (3)

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"Tell me again, why I agreed to do this?" I turn to ask Kim as I let out a breath. We have been driving for roughly two hours and I can no longer feel my ass. 

"Because I'm your friend, and you love me." She tells me, eyes still fixed on the road. I huff a breath and straighten my back. "It hasn't been a month since you met this guy and you're already travelling 400 kilometers to meet him."

Apparently, Mark invited Kim to this charity project in a children's home in Phitsanulok. And being the awesome person that she is, she decided to drag me out of my house early in the morning to come with her.

I honestly didn't mind though, but she could have at least told me earlier. I was like a deer in headlights this morning, all I managed to bring with me was my medical supply bag. Hopefully nothing extreme happens out there because it doesn't really contain much.

And not to mention, we could have just easily booked a flight. It's only an hour travel, but no. She decided she wanted to take the land route, which takes more than five hours of static sitting.

She turns to me and gives me a coy smile. "Well, I really like him. And he makes me feel like he does too." She releases a breath and straightens her arms, raising her shoulders. "I don't know. Come on, it's not like you haven't experienced love at first when you first met Nadech." She says.

That catches me off guard. I give her a look and she automatically realizes what she just said. "Oops." She gives me a guilty smile before she shifts her gaze back to the road.

I lean back on my seat and take a deep breath as I look out the window.

I viciously flip the next page of my book as I near the end of the novel. I was a page short of finishing it and I couldn't contain my excitement anymore.

As I read, I failed to notice the speed my feet was engaging in. I had my head down as I focused a hundred percent of my attention on what I was reading.

I smile as I read the last sentence, clearly satisfied with how the story ended. I let out a breath as I look up, which was immediately taken from me when I suddenly bump into a platform.

I was so focused on my book that I haven't noticed that I was walking towards a platform. Since I was walking fairly fast, my impact towards the metal leg was quite hard, making me fall down on my bottom.

I snap my neck at the sound of something falling from above the platform. First was a can of paint. I got stunned when a ladder fell off next. And imagine the shock I felt when a man followed.

I cringe as I watch him come into contact with the ground, the pained grunt from him clearly portraying his discomfort.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" I scramble to my feet and run to him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see." I continue to apologize as I try to help him up.

"Ooh." The pained look on his face was evident as he tried to put weight on his foot.

"Oh no, I think you fell on your ankle. It might be broken." He lets out a breath and inspects his foot. "Yep, I think it sure is."  He says, giving me a look.

I give him a guilty smile as I tightly hold his arm, steadying him as he kept his balance. "I should take you to the hospital." I say, slowly helping him trudge along the sidewalk.

"I'm really sor--" I start as he cuts me off. "Save the apologies for later. Just please take me to the hospital, it freaking hurts." He pleads. He looks at me and he had a small smile on his face that made me feel calmer about the fact that I almost killed a man. I nod my head and help him walk, allowing him to rest his arm around my shoulder for some support.

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