Jet (7)

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"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" I shake my head as I listen to the constant chanting from the back of the car, there voices loud and persistent. 

"They're never going to let that go until we say yes." Nadech says as he keeps his eyes on the road, a playful grin on his face. I scratch the the back of my head as I let out a defeated sigh. I knew Nadech would definitely say yes if it only wasn't for me. The boys had him wrapped around their fingers. 

We had Kit and Ram buckled on the back seat as we drove to the park. Pim and Kit extended their stay because of some work, so Nadech decided to take the kid out while his mom sorted out some stuff. When he invited me, I realized it would be good if Ram was able to join us. He's been stuck in that hospital bed for so long and I knew he's definitely had enough of it. 

"Fine! Okay, we'll get ice cream." The boys scream in triumph as I declared my defeat, shaking my head with a smile as I hear their victorious cheer. "But," I turn to look at them, Kit sitting comfortably on his car seat. "just a little. Your mom is going to kill us," I point to Kit. "and you can't have a lot of sweets, you know that." I point to Ram. 

Being the good boys that they were, they nod their heads and gave me a thumbs up just before they gave each other a loud high five. 

"I can't believe you got Ram's mom to agree to let him come with us alone. She never leaves him out of her sight." Nadech chuckles, shrugging his shoulders as I turn to look at him. He still had his focus on the road, but I didn't mind. I loved looking at him at this angle. 

"Well, it took a few rounds of pleading." He grins as he takes a quick glance at me, making me shake my head at his silly ways. "She knows you're with him, so she's confident her son would be alright. She knows how good you are." He says, turning to look at me once more with a smile on his face that screamed sincerity. 

I playfully roll my eyes, my cheeks starting to flush as a smile crept my way. He chuckles at me and extends his arms towards him, taking my hand and resting our intertwined fingers on top of my thigh. I couldn't help but feel warm inside as I look at our hands, my heart skipping a few beats. 

I don't exactly know what we are right now, none of us really talked about it. We just allowed ourselves to get taken over by the touches, and the hugs and the kisses. And right now, even if it wasn't as clear, I was happy about it. We were getting there, I can feel it, and that makes me happy and contented with what we have right now---whatever it is. 

I shift my attention to the young boys we have at the back. Ram was religiously helping Kit finish a page of his coloring book, both of them focused on their task. It was amazing to watch how fast they got along with each other, both of them immediately catching each other's vibe regardless of the three year age difference. 

It took a few minutes before we finally got to our destination. We drove to the next park nearest to the hospital. The nearest one didn't really have anything the kid's can have fun with so we decided to go to where the slides and all sorts of stuff were. 

"Careful, you two!" I yell after the boys who ran to the slides in a dash right after they got their ice cream. I hear Nadech chuckle as he walks alongside me, another cap on his head as he had his other hand inside the pocket of his jean pants. "You gotta let them be boys." He says, assuring me.

I let out a breath and calmed down. I felt like I was a mom of two boys, careful not to damage the children I borrowed for the day. "Well, you can't blame me though. The other one is sick and the other one is practically a toddler." I look at him. He only gives me soft smile before he pinches my cheek. "Calm down, bub." He says before he grabs my hand and pulls me to follow him. 

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