The Meet

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Corey looked at my suitcase, as if it grabbed his attention, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you..-" he was cut off when suddenly a silver Honda Accord pulls up. It was Calvin. In a rental car. I closed my eyes and sighed. "What possibly could you want?" I asked as he got out the car. "I'm sorry-" he tries to apologize but I interrupt him. "Sorry doesn't cut it!" I yell, flailing my arms dramatically.
"I am sick and tired of you running over me, thinking you can just apologize and make it better when you want something. So what is it you want." I said. I'm proud of myself. I'm finally standing up for myself. I'm so proud. "You" he says softly. "Well I'm sorry, we don't all get what we want do we? You should've thought about that before breaking my heart and leaving me alone in a huge airport and calling me homeless after you made me move from Oklahoma to here!" I yell at him. Tears were falling at this point. The boys looked at Calvin. "That's wrong dude" Tanner says. "You shut it" Calvin spits. "Dude chill" Tanner says getting angry, stepping towards him and Corey holds him back across his chest. "Your coming with me" Calvin says. "Your not my dad." I say bluntly. "I wouldn't wanna be your dad, now I see why he abuses you, your a brat." Calvin says to me. I sob a little. That really ticked Tanner off. "Leave her alone buddy" Tanner says. Corey is trying to stay out of it. "Oh I was gone for an hour and you already got you some boy toys?!"Calvin yells, "I always knew you were a stupid.." he steps towards me as I step back. He grabs me by my wrists, yanking me towards him. "Little.. slut" he says getting close in my face.
"Hey, back up dude" Tanner yells, Calvin then snaps towards Tanner. "Mind your own fucking business", He punched Tanner in the jaw. Corey let go of Tanner, and Tanner swung back, hitting Calvin in the nose, breaking it. Everyone else runs over. There were a lot of people and they were breaking up the fight. Calvin walked to his car, stumbling and he had blood on his face and he drove off. "What a jerk" Corey says. A brown headed tall guy with a scruffy beard walks up to him. "Oh, Skylar, This is my brother Capron. Capron this is Skylar" Corey says. "Hi.. I'm sorry you had to meet me on such bad terms." I say, wiping my tears. "No problem at all, are you okay?" He asks. I nod and look over at Tanner. He's pacing back and forth trying to cool off. Everyone introduced themselves. "So you don't have a place to stay?" Corey asks. I nod, "nope." I say softly. "You can come stay at my house for a while. I'm sure my friends would love company, and we'll help you get back on your feet." He says. I smile widely, "that'd be great" I say, "the only thing is, we aren't from LA, we are only here for competition and we are youtubers so there will be pranking" he says. "I'm completely okay with that" I say smiling. "Thank you" I say looking him in the eyes.
      "My pleasure, you definitely don't deserve what that guy did" he says in response. "Alright we ready to roll out?" Capron asks. I walk over to Tanner, "I'm so sorry about what happened, are you okay?" I say, looking him in the eyes to show I'm sincere. "I'm fine" He says holding his jaw. "Promise?" I ask and he nods. "Can I ride with you in your GTR?" I ask. He gets really happy and nods, grabbing my hand and takes me to it. "Alright so I'm gonna be seeker first" Capron says. "Wait what're we doing" I ask. "We are playing super car hide and seek, where we have a certain radius where we can hide and Capron is gonna drive around the radius and look for us in our cars" Tanner says. "Cool!" I smile and get in his GTR. Tanner got in drivers and revved his car really loud and the guy with the Lamborghini revved his and it's supped up, so it set off someone's car alarm.
     Tanners reaction to it was priceless and I bursted out laughing. It's nothing like a boy who loves cars.

    Off we go! To play super car hide and seek. These boys must be really creative, I have never heard of hide and seek in cars.. better yet in super cars. I look over at Tanner, he was intensively focused on the road trying to find a hiding spot. "Oo! What about right there?" I point at an abandoned parking garage. "Hmmm..." he thinks and pulls into the garage. "I think it'll work!" He says, finding a spot. He parks and looks at me, "how long do you think it will take him to find us?" He asks me. I laugh, "your car literally stands out to everyone, not that long."
He pouts, "no fun." He whined. "Yea yea" I say mockingly and smile. He gets on his phone and waits for an update text from the group chat.

                    Funk family group chat

Capron: Corey has been found

Corey: shut up!

Capron: don't be a sore loser brother lol😂

Corey: maybe you shouldn't be so good at hide and seek.

Capron: maybe you should suck at hide and seek.

Corey: 😡🤬😂

Tanner was smiling and laughing at the text messages. "What's your phone number? I need to add you to this chat" he asked, looking at me.
I gave him my number.

647-286-9816 has been added to the group chat


Tanner: yes it is

Me: hi lol

Corey: HIIII😆

"God he's weird" Tanner says laughing.
I start laughing and we lock eyes again. Tanner reaches for the radio and starts playing music.
He goes on Instagram and takes a picture of me.

 He goes on Instagram and takes a picture of me

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Only hanging out with the coolest!!

User5679162: new gf???
Corey Funk: See guys at the house!!
Tannerfangirl101: What a lucky girl!! New gf?!!
Girlygurl: TANNER WHEN DID YOU GET A GF?! She's beautiful
Capron Funk: I'm still seeking for you..
View all 1,246 comments

I look over at him, "gee thanks! Catching me off guard!" I smile. We see headlights and duck down. "Shit is that Capron?" He asks, I peek out the window and see a white Tesla with Capron hanging out the window with a camera.

    We step out the car, "HAHAHA GUYS I FOUND THEM! They were the last ones found." He says into the camera. Tanner has his hands in his pockets and smile. "I guess the spot you picked worked" Tanner says smiling. I look at him, and shrug. "Hide and seek champion standing before you." I say smiling. "Yea okay!" He smirks. "Alright guys, I'll meet you at the house. Pizza for dinner sound good?" Capron asks.
I nod, "sounds great!" I say making my way back to the GTR. Tanner pulls out his wallet and hands Capron some money, and whispers something to Capron. Capron nods at him and puts the rest of his body back in the car. Tanner gets in the car with me and looks at me, "ready to go meet the funk fam?" He asks, I nod, "ready as I'll ever be" I smile.

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