You can be honest.

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"You know I never took you for a rapist. I am rather disappointed in you." I told him, shaking my head as his hands held me in place.

He quickly let me go and backed away from me.

"Woah" he puts his hands up in defense "WHAT? I would never! How can you say something like that?"

"Well, do you blame me? You have me pinned to a wall, against my will with a perverted look on your face. Tell me, you can be honest,  are you, one of those Alpha's that thinks he is above Omegas? I mean you "claim" you are "my alpha," but then you do shit like this. I don't know, should I be concerned about my future?"

I so wish I could've gotten his reaction on camera. He looked as though he was about to piss himself.

He can fuck with me, well, so can I. Two can play this game. I might lose, but so what.

"Seokjin! I would never rape anyone. That's just bizarre!" He said, shock still registering on his face.

"Well, Taehyung, I didn't say "anyone," I was talking about me. I am sure you wouldn't rape another Alpha, I mean maybe a Beta, but you look like you have assaulted a few Omegas. You have, haven't you? You can be honest" I said, trying to hold back from laughing.

"What the fuck! No! I have never in my fucking life raped anyone. Neither have I had sex with anyone without their consent, that's just fucking sick! Do you think I am that sick?" ohhh somebody's mad!

"Interesting,"  I said as if I was pondering on what he had said. Personally, I didn't care, I was just fucking with him.

"That's it? That's all you have to say is interesting?" he questioned in anger.

"What you want me to say? I am not exactly a therapist or a doctor, I can't really diagnose if you are sick, so I don't think that's a fair question. However, I can refer you to one if you'd like. I do think you show signs of someone who may potentially be a control freak but considering, you are an "Alpha" I guess that's just an innate trait." I sighed and rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

I know I was pushing things, especially considering he was an "Alpha," but truthfully, I didn't give a shit, never really did. I hate how they objectify Omegas like we are trash, our voice doesn't matter, we don't matter. It's like we are subservient to them. Whenever we put up a fight, they use their fucking Alpha powers to get us to submit. Like who is the biology bitch that designed us like this. Why the fuck didn't, I have a choice in choosing who I become. Fine, make me a male, I am cool with it, but my ass should've been able to determine whether if I am an Omega, Beta, or a fucking Alpha!

Some people like who they are, that's cool. I'd like who I am too, if shit head like him didn't think they could control me. All because their voice travels more than ours. They were seen as dominants and us as submissive. It might be true, however, treat me as an equal. Let me get a choice in how you treat me, like damn. Don't bully me.

"So not only did you accuse me, but now you are smart with me? Seokjin are you playing with me? Are you forgetting your place?" He says as he walks towards me. I tried taking a step back, but my dumbass was still against the wall.

No, this m-fucker didn't just go there. See it's the same thing I am talking about. He's implying that I am forgetting my place as an omega. you know what Taehyung, fuck you!

"Do you feel like you are being played with? And no, I know my place,  but you don't seem to know yours!" Oh gosh, I was undoubtedly going to get my ass handed to me. I just couldn't help it.

"What is that supposed to mean, Seokjin!" he growled at me.  I guess the dog was back.

" are in my home...uninvited, might I add. You maybe be my "new" boss, but not my landlord, you don't own this building. You have no right in my home. So, no, I am not the one who don't know my place, it's you!" I told him while pointing my hand at his chest. My ass knew I was going to get in trouble, but so what!

He was now hovering over me, and it was very apparent he was angry. I was pushing him over the edge.

"First, let's make a few things clear. One, I am not here uninvited, your omega friend invited me in! Two, don't assume I don't own this building! Do you have proof of that?" No fucking way he owns this building, that's not possible.

"" please say no, please say no, I plead internally.

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