The Truth 2.0

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A/N: This Chapter is very long, but you do get the truth which I am sure many have figured out by now.

Taehyung's Pov:

I rushed out of my office as soon as Jimin hung up. He sounded weird. What's wrong with my omega? I hope it's not because of me. Gosh, I am such a dick. I am only angry at him because he was taking the pills and didn't tell me. I wasn't mad that he was taking it. Like aren't we supposed to be partners, shouldn't he share these things with me. He had me feeling like a fool. Thinking that there's a possibility that he might have been pregnant, but only to find out it wasn't possible anyway. He was on birth control, that hurts.

I marked Jin, not because I wanted to control him, but because I wanted a partner. I needed a family. If he's going to do things like this and keep it hidden, then it means we want different things. I felt betrayed and foolish. Was he using me? It didn't make sense though; this is Jin we are talking about.


As I got to his front door, I knocked, but no response. I looked at the code Jimin sent over and entered it into the keypad.

The apartment is quiet. I called out his name, but no answer. Was Jimin sure he was here? I walked towards the living room, but it was empty. As I made my way towards his bedroom, I noticed pieces of glass on the floor what the hell happened here.

"Jin?" I called out, but still no answer. Walking into his bedroom, I finally see him; he's curled up a fetal position, rocking back and forth. My chest immediately tightens, did I cause this? Was I the reason for him being like this. Fuck, he hates me now. Why can't I ever do anything right?

"Jin, baby, I am sorry. I am so sorry. I should've listened to you earlier. I didn't mean to yell at you; I was just upset." I said to him, tears falling out my eyes as I lay next to him, pulling him close to me. He doesn't respond; he just grips into my shirt and continues to cry.

I don't know how long we laid like that for. He wouldn't stop crying, and it pained me. It broke me. I was the cause of his pain. I acted stupidly, and it must have broken him. I broke him. I am so stupid! Namjoon was right; I am more of an ass 99% of the times.

I had called Namjoon, my closest friend, besides my brother, who was currently traveling for work. He is the only one who can knock some sense into me. I often met with him when I needed honest advice.

He had told me how I handle the situation between Jin and me was wrong. Even though Jin was wrong, I shouldn't have allowed anger to overpower me, and he was right. I should've tried understanding Jin's reason first, but I just felt betrayed, like maybe he doesn't want me and regret me mating him. I have seen it happen before where an Alpha mates an omega who doesn't want to be mated and that ends up being a disaster. I didn't want that for myself. I think I rush things too much, at least that's what Namjoon thinks. I guess love makes you do the stupidest of things.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry Taehyung, sorry I am not good enough for you," Jin said, pushing himself out of my arms and sitting up.

I looked at him, confused, "Baby, no, please don't say that. Of course, you are enough for me; you are more than enough. I am just stupid sometimes, like foolish and ignorant. I was wrong earlier." I tried consoling him, but he pushes me away.

"No, you weren't. You were right for getting mad at me. I haven't been honest with you. I should've told you why I am on birth control or why I decided to take it." He said, wiping away the tears from his eyes.

"But I didn't ask. I just yelled at you. I didn't allow you to do so. " It's the truth. I didn't give him a chance; I ran him.

"You are right, but even if you had, I probably wouldn't have been honest with you. I would've made up an excuse or say something stupid that would've only angered you more." He paused and toyed with his fingers. I rub my hand against his leg.

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