Jimin's Truth

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Trigger Warning Ahead...Please skip this chapter if you are not fond of triggering content.

Earlier that afternoon...

Jimin's Pov:

I know Jin must hate me now. There is no way I could go back to his apartment after what I had said to him. Maybe Taehyung was still over his house too. I really didn't want to go back to my apartment. Yoongi was nice to let sleepover last night, not that he really knew he was doing me a favor, he just thought I was there for sex, but the truth was I was afraid of going to my own apartment.

However, here I am walking into my building to get clothes. I was going to stay in a hotel until I could find a new apartment or maybe until Jin forgives me, which was probably never going to happen. I am such a horrible friend, and I don't even know how I can face him again without feeling guilty for causing him pain on top of his misery. Although I do believe those were words he needed to hear, at least that was my opinion, maybe he didn't want to listen to those words. I hope he knows I only meant well and no harm to him.

Stepping out of the elevator, I scanned the hallway before hurrying over to my apartment door, entering my Pincode as fast as I could. Once the door opened, I hurried inside and pushed it shut, but someone's hand stopped it. Fear immediately takes over.

"Look what we have here, after months of dodging this place, Park Jimin has finally returned." The very Alpha who had me running and hiding for the past months said as he pushed his way into my apartment. "Jung Hoseok, what are you doing here?" I said, trying to hide the trembling in my voice. I knew I shouldn't have come back here. Why didn't I buy new clothes, so fucking stupid? Now, I am probably going to die because of my stupidy.

He let out a dark laugh, "What am I doing here? I am here for you baby. Do you know how many times I have been coming here looking for you, but you disappeared on me. You left me. But I knew the heavens wouldn't be so unkind to me so I rented the apartment next door so that I could hear when you return. I almost missed you today though. I was just about to leave, but gosh, my baby came home." The creep said as he walked towards me. I just stood there in shock.

"You came back for me, didn't you? You want me to mark you, don't you. I have missed you so much." He said, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me towards him, giving my ass a firm grip in the process.

"Hoseok, please. I did not come back here for you. We are over; I told you that before." I said, pushing him off of me. "Please leave. Stop stalking me; I am tired of it. You are causing me to suffer." Hoseok has got to be my biggest fuck up in life. Why did I ever sleep him was beyond me. He was a psycho who belonged in the psych ward.

His expression changed to a dark one at my words, "We are not over Park Jimin. You are my omega, and I will not let you leave this apartment ever again!" I got scared as the Alpha in him barked at me. "Please Hoseok, please, let me go." I cried as he gripped me by my shirt, pulling me towards the bedroom.

"Stop pleading with me like I am a monster; you belong to me, no one else. You have been hiding from me for months. Where the fuck has you been? Let me guess fucking around on me, huh? Well, guess what that's going to end today. I am going to fuck this precious ass of yours and them claim you in the process." He tossed me onto the bed, not giving me a chance to protest, and he pulled my pants off me and began sliding out of his own. I use this opportunity to kick him in his knee and try making a run for it, but he only growls and grabs me by my arm, digging his finger into my flesh.

"Come here, you little shit. How dare you try and fight me." He says as he pins me onto the bed, climbing on top of me. "I was going to claim you after I fuck you, but I think I need to claim you now." I wiggled beneath him as his mouth came down to my throat, setting his teeth against my neck as his member brushed against my own. I can't let this happen; I can't get forced bite. I lift my right leg upwards and knee his member. I was never so thankful for being short in all my life. He released me immediately as he scrunches down in pain. "Take that you fucker," I said as I jump off the bed grabbing my pants and pulling them on. He tries getting up, but I use the opportunity to kick him in his balls, making him fall to the floor in pain. "Y-y-you" I didn't bother to listen to what he had to say before I ran out of my apartment in tears.

I didn't stop running until I got outside the building. I couldn't stop crying; he almost raped me, that fucking psycho. I stood in the middle of the sidewalk, all alone crying nonstop as I reflected on what just happened while trying my hardest to catch my breath, which was hard to do since I could not stop crying.

I tried gathering myself and began walking down the sidewalk. I knew more than anything in the world there was only one person I wanted to see right now and that's my best friend, Kim Seokjin. The one person, I have not been honest with as to why I am staying in his apartment.

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