The Date

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A/N: For Their date below, please note that (Jin's wearing the outfit he wore to Soribada Award show and his hair is the same, so yes you have blonde Jin 😘. Taehyung is wearing what he wore at Fact Music Awards and yes, you have black hair Tae.)


Jin's Pov:
Going to breakfast with Taehyung did not turn out as bad as I thought it would have. It really did help to cheer me up. I am not sure if it was the hot chocolate or Taehyung's corny jokes.

After breakfast, he had informed me that I could work until noon, and then it would be best for me to go home and get ready for our dinner tonight. Apparently, he had a lot planned and we would be leaving out at 6 to get an early start on things. I am not sure what he had planned, but all I knew is that dinner date was all I signed up for. Even after having breakfast with him, I still wasn't sure how tonight was going to go. He was cheerful during our meal this morning, of course, I was still a bit down, but undeniably his cheerfulness had helped my mood a lot. Although I wouldn't admit that to him.


"Are you excited about tonight?" Jimin said, walking into my room as I was getting ready. "As excited as I will ever be." No, I wasn't excited, it was just dinner. Dinner for me to get to know more about my boss. "Jin, please go with an open mind. You agreed to date him, don't go with an attitude. It's time for you to live a little and enjoy life, I really think Taehyung might be the person to make you smile again." I glared at him, "I know, I know you don't want me to bring him up, and I won't, all I am saying stop fighting against your omega and give tonight your best. Be you, be the you that you used to be, just for tonight, please?" Jimin pleaded with me, I took a deep sigh, "Okay, I promise, I will give tonight my best. Happy?" Jimin eyed me suspiciously. "I said, I promise, I am not being sarcastic. I will give it my all tonight, and I won't be a hardass." Jimin hugged me immediately, "Thank you, my gut feeling tells me you won't regret this Jin."

I really do hope you are right, Jimin.

I got ready and sat in the living room, waiting for Taehyung. It was 5:55, he said he'd be here at 6:00. I gave myself credit for being ready on time, it showed I was making an effort. The sound of the doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts, I felt a tingling feeling in my stomach as it rung a second time. I guess this was it, our first date.


"Well, don't you look rather ravishing. I love that color on you." Taehyung eyed me up and down before his eyes settled on my own as soon as I opened the door. "You don't look so bad yourself." Of course, he looked good, when didn't he. He might be a bit much at times, but when it came to his looks, there was no denying he was very charming, and gentle on the eyes.

Taehyung held out his hand towards mine, "Let's go, timing is everything tonight. I have so much planned for us. You aren't afraid of heights, right?" What did he have planned? ", I am okay with heights," I told him as I breathe and allowed him to hold my hand. "Great, this is perfect then." He smiles excitedly as he led me towards the limo that was parked in front of the gate. I guess he was really trying to make a perfect first date, a limo, I was not expecting that.

Once we got in the limo, I got curious about our date. "So, mind telling me what restaurant we are going to?" I looked around a realize there were numerous bottles of champagne in the limo, maybe I could have a drink. I took one to open it, but as I was about to open it, Taehyung stopped me. "We are not going to a restaurant, and I would prefer if you didn't drink." I gave him a why not look, he must have caught on, "At least not yet, not until after dinner." he smiled, "Please?" Why was he like this again, gosh!

"Okay, fine, I won't. So are you going to give me any hint as to where we are going?" I inquired, I was really getting anxious, we were now driving out of the city, so it was clear we weren't going somewhere in the city which I had thought initially especially since he had mentioned something about heights.

"You will soon see, I don't want to ruin the surprise. We will be there soon, just relax, let's talk about you, tell me something I don't know?" Fine, I guess this was the beginning of our date anyway, I just hope he wasn't taking me anywhere too far from home, what if he didn't take me back?

"Jin, earth to Jin!" Taehyung was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry, I am so sorry....something about me that you may not know is that I am an only child. What about you do you have any siblings or are you an only child?" I guess this was a good thing, we could get to know each other, that was the point of the date anyway.

"Oh, wow, so your parents only have you. Now, this makes a lot of sense why they allowed you to just be you. I am sure they spoiled you a lot." He said with a smile, "As for me, I have an older brother. He is an Alpha just like myself, except he can be a real prick at times, but he is my brother who I love. It's interesting the night I met you, he was at the club with me, he was the one who had dragged me there with him. I am not usually into the club scene, but that club, my brother, so happens to own it." Wow. Two Alpha's their parents must've been proud. So it was his brother who charged those ridiculous prices for the drinks.

"My parents were just free spirited I guess, I am not sure about being spoiled, but who knows. They raised as best as they could. You don't like clubbing? I love clubbing, I go almost every weekend. Your brother seems to like it too., but I am sure not as much as he likes money" I watch as his face turned into a frown, probably didn't like my comment about his brother.

"You like clubbing. You go every weekend. Interesting." it's like he was repeating everything I just told him, not for me to say anything, but more so for himself. He did not look pleased, but I didn't know why nor was I going to ask. I am sure if he wanted me to know he'd tell me. He completely ignored what I said about his brother, here I thought that would've triggered him.

The car came to a sudden stop before the limo driver rolled down the privacy screen and informed us we were at our destination, which was still unknown to me. Taehyung held onto my hands, "Let's go, we will finish this up later."

Getting out of the limo, I noticed we were in an open space, an empty lot. What type of dinner was this? Dinner in the desert? Or dinner in free space?

"Is the plane ready?" Taehyung asked. Plane? What Plane?

"Plane?" I eyed him curiously. Is this what he meant by height.

"Yes, plane, my love. We are having dinner in the sky."

Say what now?

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