Last Night In Jeju

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Taehyung's Pov:
I made sure before going back to the hotel room; I picked Jin and myself up something to eat. I know he thought I lied when I said I had a meeting. I didn't. I was even late to my meeting because of how much I couldn't resist him this morning. It took everything out me not to knot him and mark him permanently making him mines. He is so fucking addicting.

I swear if he did not stop me this morning, I don't think I would've left. All day I kept getting hard just thinking about him. I had gotten some ointment for him as I knew he was sore. However, his wetness made it so easy for me to slip into him each time. He was just perfect. My perfect omega. I wonder if he knows that.

I wanted him again tonight. When we get back to Seoul, I will be taking him to my apartment for the weekend. If I'm right, I think my rut is coming this weekend too. I usually call one of my hookups to help me, but now I had Jin I didn't need to do that. I only hope he's ready as I will knot him and claim him as mine.


As I get into the hotel room, I see Jin sitting on the sofa sipping champagne and watching tv. A beautiful sight.

"I wish I could come home to this every day." He jumped spilling the champagne.

"Shit, Taehyung, you scared me."

"Sorry, babe, how are you feeling, still sore" I couldn't help but smirk. He rolled his eyes. "What do you think?"

"I think you want to eat dinner with me." I waved the bag with the food in my hand at up to him, "and then you want me to take you against the wall."  I told him, licking my lips.

He got up and walked towards me. Once he was in front of me, he ran his hand down my chest. My dick twitched at his touch, "Yes, I do want dinner with you."  He leaned up and kissed my lips, "but you taking me against the wall, not happening." He said and grabbing the food out of my hand and went back to the sofa.

Did he do that? My Seokjin is a fucking tease. Oh, this is only going to get better.

I didn't bother responding to him. I threw my jacket off and made my way the sofa joining him as he placed out food on the sofa table.

"What did you get us," He asked

"Well, if you open it, you'll see that it's chicken and steak with mash potatoes. I hope that's fine." I love mash potatoes, so I hope he doesn't mind it.

"Yeah, it's fine. So how was your meeting." He asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"It was okay. Although I was very distracted." 

"And why was that?"

"Well, I couldn't stop thinking about you and how much I wanted to be home with you and inside you." Jin choked in his food.

"T-Taehyung what is wrong with you!"

"You, Seokjin, you are what's wrong with me. I think I'm addicted to you. I can't seem to get enough of you. Now that I have had you, I want you more. You might be the death of me Seokjin." I watched as he tried to hide his smile. He was blushing. My baby was blushing and all because of me.

"Is that right?" he said, sucking on the chicken bone. He then twirls it in his mouth, before pulling it out, making it a popping sound with his lips.

My dick stood up at his little stunt. He smiled at me. Who knew my Seokjin could be a such a little devil and here I thought I was the bad guy.

"So what were you saying about taking me against the wall?" He licked his plump and ready to suck lips.

Fuck it. Dinner can wait.

As we sat in the plane on our way back to Seoul, I couldn't get over all that had happened within the last 48 hrs. Seokjin and I were making progress.

Between last night and this morning, I could not count how many times I had taken him. I can't wait for this weekend, so I can knot him and hopefully mark him. Once I claim him officially, I want him filled with my pups.

I smile stupidly as I thought of everything in my head.

"What are you cheesing about?" He asked looking at me warily
"Nothing, what are you doing this weekend?" He'll be with me, of course, but I still need to ask him.

"Oh Jimin and I have plans, starting from tonight until about Sunday morning. It's our weekend ritual; I guess you could say." My face fell, say what? My rut might be coming this weekend. He can't have plans.

"Weekend ritual?"

"Yeah, just us getting together. Why are you asking?"

"Well, I was hoping you could spend the weekend with me," I told him hoping he would change his mind.

His mouth formed, and "oh," "sorry, I can't. Jimin is really looking forward to our time together. Plus I need some time to relax after all we did. I will see you on Monday though" he said as if it was nothing.

"Umm...where are you going with a Jimin?"

"Just out. Typical Friday fun for us, you know."

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking. What's typical Friday fun?"

He looked at me, annoyed. I didn't care; I was annoyed too. "Taehyung, why are you being like this?"

"How am being like? I'm just curious about your weekend."

"And I told you I am spending it with a Jimin. What more do you want me to say." I could feel my anger coming on.

"Forget it. Go spend your weekend with Jimin."

I swear if he does anything this weekend I don't approve of, he's not going to like it.

Now, I hope my rut don't start.

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