Rooftop Dining

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Jin's Pov:

Taehyung and I ended up spending the majority of our time in bed that day. After deciding we couldn't stay like that forever, we took a shower and left the house. Taehyung thought it might be helpful for me to get some air and relax outside a bit. He brought me to some place that had private rooftop dining that he rented out just for us. He wanted the night to be about us so had the food catered and left in a warmer, said he'll be my waiter this evening. I laughed imagining CEO Kim Taehyung being my waiter, he is funny.

"See, I didn't do such a bad job at serving our food," Taehyung said, finally sitting down after putting our food together, which only took him 25 mins. Food that was already cooked and 5 feet away from our table might I add.

I look at him and smile, "No, you didn't. You could've been a waiter. A very handsome waiter."

He pondered for a moment, "Hmm, true, true. You have a point, and I'd get tipped a lot too for my looks. You probably would have a lot of competition, though."

"And why's that?" A competition by who?

"Well, imagine a handsome waiter like myself being out in a restaurant all day or night, the amount of phone numbers I would receive from customers. They'll be trying to pick me up every minute on the minute." He smirked to himself before cutting a piece of his steak and eating it.

"As if anyone else was going to put up with your crazy ass." Who did he think he was trying to make jealous, please. "And stick to your damn day job. You wouldn't make a good waiter anyway. Lock in your office is where you belong." Competition, my ass.

He puts his fork down and looks me in the eyes with a smirk still on his face, and I could tell he was up to no good. "You know I was very popular with the ladies and guys when I was in high school and college? I used to get hit on all the time. Everyone was begging for me to be theirs. They were throwing themselves at me like it was nothing." He looks off as though he was reminiscing, "wow, those were some good old days." he said, shaking his head. Would it be wrong if I reached across this table and smack him upside his head?

But, it's okay no need to resort with violence when I could find the perfect come back.

"I could totally relate to you, babe. Not so much in college because I had Jungkook, but in high school. Gosh! Alpha's and Beta's wouldn't leave me alone. Even now, when I go to the club, you should see the line of them just waiting to get with me. I don't ever have to buy my drinks. They are always willing and able to get it for me. You'd know too, wasn't that how we met? You were offering to buy my drink when I argued with that bartender." I smiled mischievously. He growled, and his hands tightened on his fork. Now, who's the jealous one!

"Thanks for telling me." He didn't say anything further but kept an unreadable expression on his face. Interesting.

I continued eating my food as I surveyed my surrounding. Life had changed so much for me.

"You know as an Alpha its innate for me possessive and wanting to be in control of everything. However, I wasn't as excessive as I am currently. I used to be more reserved and trusting, you know." I looked at him, confused by where this was coming from out of nowhere.

"Really? What changed, and why are you bringing this up now. Is it something I just said?" I inquired

"No, nothing you said now. I guess since you shared a part of your past with me, it's fair I do the same, especially since we are starting a new with how we do things. I was in a long-term relationship with a omega for about a year and a half. Not someone I was confident about mating, even though I was in love with him. I later found out why my Alpha instinct was never inclined to marking him. Anyway, we lived together after six months of being together. We were consistent with each other, so it made sense. Even though I wasn't inclined on marking him, I had planned to eventually. I loved him, so it made sense as it's the right thing to do. We were sleeping together and everything. Without going through the long details of things, I was very naive, allowing him to do whatever, be free, live his life as an omega. We were living together, so it didn't bother me as I got to see him when I wanted.

Anyhow, he ended up pregnant. When I found out about the pregnancy, I was super happy; you have no idea. I had just taken off with my career, but I was okay with that. It excited me to know I was going to be a dad. I had found the pregnancy test in the trash after my razor fell in there. I was elated. I didn't alert him that I knew about it because I was waiting for him to share the news with me. Thinking he was planning some grand way to surprise me or he was having concerns and dealing with them as he was unmated and probably worried if I would accept our baby. After about a month of waiting and not hearing nothing, I got frustrated and confronted him about you know what happened?"

"What?" I was more in shock to find out that Taehyung had a long-term relationship before. It goes to show how backward we have done things. We knew little to nothing about one another.

"He had a fucking abortion! Why? You may ask. Well because he wasn't fucking sure who the father was. He was cheating on me all the time we were together, and my dumbass self did not even notice. I was so blinded and fucking naive I didn't see it. He didn't expect for me to find out about the pregnancy and planned to abort the baby and continue being with me. Like who the fuck does that?"

I was speechless; I couldn't say anything. Like, that's just wow!

"I am telling you this because Jin, I know I can be a bit controlling and always wanting to be in the know and I am sorry. Unfortunately, my past has shown me that I need to be. I have serious trust issues, I honestly do. We clashed many times in the beginning because of it, and I know that. I want to work on these things. I want you to know all of me, and I want to know all of you. I didn't want this night to end and not share this with you. We all have scars, and while mine does not compare to yours, I wanted you to know. Sorry for not telling you earlier."

I could see the genuine pain in his eyes. Who would hurt my baby like this?

I got up out of my seat and walked over to him. Sitting myself down on his lap. "Listen to me; my scars are no greater than yours. Your pain is your pain, and I am happy you shared this with me. I lost a baby, so I know the pain of losing an unborn child. I don't know the pain of losing a baby that you weren't sure if it was yours or not. I can only imagine how many "what ifs" you have lived with. Knowing you will never really know the truth if that baby was yours or not. I don't know what's like to have someone cheat on you, I've never experienced that, but I am sure it's not a good feeling. I am sorry we have endured the things we have. However, I am grateful we have been given a second chance. A chance to meet, a chance to be together now and create a new. How about we look forward to our future and not behind in the past anymore. What do you say?"

A tear fell from his eye as he looked him to mine. His arms pulled me closer, and he brought his lips up to mine. "I would love nothing more. I love you, Kim Seokjin and I mean it."

At the end of the day, we were just two broken souls that go linked together. I think with therapy, we might be able to survive our future together.

I pulled myself away from him and looked at him, I wanted to tell him I love you too, but I wasn't ready yet. I don't want him thinking I am telling him because he is saying it. I will wait.

I adjust myself so that I was now straddling before bringing my lips back down onto his own. I could feel him getting hard, and so was I. "You know Jimin said rooftop sex is an amazing experience." I whispered against his lips. "I know," he said back out.

I pulled away immediately, "You know?" What the hell did he mean he knows?


My phone went off, interrupting us. I got off him and grabbed it. It was Jimin. Oh gosh, I have to talk to him too.

"Hello" I greeted him on the phone, but I was greeted in return with crying on the other end, "J-jin c-can y-you c-come h-home? I n-need y-you," He hunged up.

What the fuck is going on?

"Jin, are you okay," Taehyung questioned.

"No, its Jimin. I don't think he is. I have to go Tae. Can you take me home please?"



How do you feel about Jin and Tae?

What do you think is wrong with Jimin? Why is he crying?

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