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Jin's Pov:

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for you?" Jimin huffs as I take a seat across from him at the restaurant he picked out for us to have brunch at. I was amazed that the restaurant was quiet and quaint, completely opposite of what Jimin usually goes for.

"I'm sorry! It really wasn't intentionally. You know I'm not normally late. Taehyung is just....he can be a bit much sometimes." I picked up the menu to review as I try to explain to Jimin why I was running late.

"Don't even mention it. Yoongi is not any better." I could understand, they weren't brothers for nothing.

"So, what's good here?" I asked him looking at the menu, "I can't decide between the chicken parmigiana or the shrimp and steak with roasted potatoes."

"Either one them is good, I would guess. I know they make the best sangria, so make sure you get one."

After reviewing the menu some more, we called the waiter over and place our order.

"So...I have something to tell you," I said to Jimin playing with my fingers as I was a bit nervous on how he was going to take things.

"What's up?"

"Taehyung and I, well we have been talking, and we think it might be a good idea if I move in with him, but if-"

"Oh, thank god!" Jimin said, placing his hand over his chest.

"Wait, why are you so relieved?" I looked at him in confusion.

He put his head down and began mumbling.

"Jimin I can't hear you....wait is that a mark on your neck?!" I tilt my head to look at his neck more, did Yoongi mark him?

He lifts his head up looking at me, shamelessly, "umm...about that....he did." he looked so cute.

"Woah, when did this happen?" I was happy for him but shock at the same time.

"Last night, but that's not all." He said, looking everywhere else but at me.

"What?! Tell me." I was eager to know more.

"I'm moving in with him, and I-I am pregnant. There I said it! Yoongi and I are having a baby." My eyes widen at the news. Here I had anxiety about telling him I am moving in with Taehyung, but not only has he been claimed by Yoongi, but he is pregnant and moving in with him.

"WOW! Just wow....that's amazing Jimin. How do you feel? Are you excited?"

"Nervous. I'm nervous, Jin. Getting pregnant was not my intentions at all. Yoongi and I weren't even there with our relationship yet, but it just happened." He said, looking into space.

"So are you okay with being claimed by him, you guys didn't do it because you are pregnant, right?"

"Sorta. We had been jokingly discussing it before I found out that I'd let him claim me. After I found out, it just made more sense to. I have no doubt that he's my Alpha. We are a bit different in some ways, but we certainly complement each other. He is so excited about this baby, it's making me excited. I was just worried about moving out and leaving you. So I am happy to hear you and Taehyung are thinking about moving in together. It's about time." He said, smiling.

"That's all that matters. If you know he's yours, then that's good. I'm happy for your Jimin. You deserve this and more....yeah, Taehyung has been pushing it for a while, but I was holding back because I didn't want to leave you." I said, and we both busted out laughing. "Jimin is going to be a papa, wow, I get to be an uncle. Are you excited about the pregnancy?"

"You know it has been my dream to be a parent forever! Not only do I get that, but I get the rich Alpha, I'm winning right now. Plus I like him a lot." Again we both laughed. It's true, this has always been Jimin's lifetime dream.

Our food arrived, and we began eating. Jimin and I chatted about random things for about two hours before going our separate ways. He needed to schedule doctors appointment, and I need to get my ass packing to move in with my crazy.


As I'm home packing my things with Tae's help, I began reminiscing on the feeling of being pregnant. I also start to feel sad as I know it's something Taehyung wants. There's no doubt he wants to be a father. I wonder how he will take the news once he finds out his brother is having a baby.

I just don't think I am there with having kids anymore. What if I lose the baby, what if something goes wrong. I don't think that's something I am equipped to handle. At least Taehyung is okay with how things are right now. I think.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung questions snaking his arm around my waist.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Have you heard the news?" He asks, kissing my neck.

"W-what news?" I tried pulling out of his arms.

"Jimin and Yoongi." Oh, that news.

"Yeah, Jimin and I spoke today at lunch. He's all marked and claimed. Your brother has an omega." I tell him with a smile.

He spins me around to face him, his hands resting on my waist. "That's not all though. They are having a baby." He said, looking into my eyes, I tried looking away from his eyes, but I couldn't. All I could see was the sadness within his eyes, with a glimmer of hope.

Hope that I would say, I too wanted a child.

"Y-yes they are. Isn't that exciting? Your brother must be so happy." I faint a weak smile.

He lets go of my waist and runs his hands through his hair, "Yeah, he really is. I've never seen him so happy in all his life. Must be a wonderful feeling."

"Yeah." Was all I responded because honestly, I felt like shit. He wants to be a father, and I was in the way of that happening.


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