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A/N: Starting prepping yourself.. 😌

Jin's Pov:

As soon as the elevator dings open, I pushed him away from me and hurried out. I don't know how many times I had pushed him off me today. All I know, it's been a long night, one that seems as though it had no end to it. I look at my phone and see that it's already past midnight, just great! Fantastic.

"The room is this way, so I suggest you turn that sexy ass back around and come here." I stopped, breathe Seokjin, breathe. I turned around and gave him a sarcastic smile as I walked in his direction. He shakes his head. Probably disapproving of my attitude, but I can't change overnight, so guess what I didn't care.

He opens the door to the penthouse suite. I followed in behind him. The first thing I notice is the windows and the view. It's so bright and has a panoramic view like a high definition screen. It was gorgeous. I'd hope there was a balcony, I would definitely spend my night out there. Taehyung could keep the room to himself. I watched as he placed his bag down on the sofa.

"The room is to your left, and there is a bathroom in there as well. This bag has some clothes for you as well. You can go shower and get change if you would like, I will be out here."

"What do you mean you have clothes for me?" I snapped at him. He had really planned this out, hadn't he?

He pulls his lip into a tight smile and closes his eyes taking in a deep breath, "Seokjin, I figured if I took you here, the least I could do was ensure you had clothes. Did I do something wrong?" I guess he was getting frustrated with me, it was evident in the way he spoke. Whatever he should've thought about it before bringing me here.

I grab the bag he had told me about and stormed off towards the room. We had to stay in a room together, did not mean, I needed to talk to him.


Taehyung Pov:

He's testing every ounce of my patience tonight. I think I have been excellent throughout this date, but I have a solid feeling, that the night won't end with me being very good. There is only, but so much a person can take. All night I have been suppressing my Alpha urges, but Seokjin doesn't seem to realize that. He is so caught up in being a brat that he doesn't understand just how much he is testing my limits.

I walk into the room and hear the sound of water running, guess he decided to shower. I will go in after him. I could use a very cold one.

I picked up the phone and called room service, letting them know to cancel the order that was in for tonight. I rather have no distractions for the remainder of the night. There was wine, champagne, and fruits already in the room, and to be frank, that's all we were going to need.

The door to the bathroom opens up to reveal Seokjn dress in one of my white shirt, I had purposely taken for him and a pair of boxers. He definitely looked good in my clothes, just as I had suspected. His hair was ruffled, guess he washed it. His scent was hitting me way more than before, the shower definitely opened up his pores. The Alpha in me perked up, soon I know all control will be lost.

He noticed my presence in the room and rolled his fucking eyes once again. The attitude of this man was undoubtedly killing me.

"I am going to go shower. There is wine and champagne if you need something to drink. Also, there is a balcony right through those doors connecting to the bedroom, you can go enjoy the view." I told him.

He doesn't respond; instead, he walks right past me. I shake my head and chuckle.

Lord, forgive me for the things I am gonna do to his ass tonight.


Jin Pov:

The view from the balcony was amazing, it was perfect. I could hear the ocean breeze whistling in the night. It felt so refreshing on my skin, giving me chills. I sat there, sipping a glass of wine. Taehyung was probably annoyed with me, I was extra moody today, and I could tell it was bothering him. His scent was suffocating me too, it's like his Alpha was pulling my Omega in and I didn't want that. I just need tonight to be over with. I want this feeling of him being friendly and patient to go away. I was hoping if I gave him some more attitude he'd kick me out and let me go to a room of my own.

I could've fought him on that earlier, but being with an Alpha miles away from home and fighting with him probably not the best idea. Therefore, I let it go. Right now, I will just enjoy the view before me and the expensive taste of this wine. Maybe if I drink enough, I will pass out, and before I know it, it will be morning.

"I see you are enjoying the view," Taehyung said appearing on the balcony. Where the fuck was his shirt! His scent hit me like a ton of bricks, the breeze wasn't helping. When did my sense of smell become so sensitive, he had me in a fucking trance. I had to get out of here. I can't be around this man. He was not healthy for me.

I got up without saying anything and tried moving past him, but he grips onto my arm, "oh, no you don't." he growls, picking me up as a yelp out in shock. He places me down on the edge of the freaking balcony. My breath hitches in my throat. Was he going to throw me off here? I mean surely he wouldn't, I am his Omega aren't I?

To be continued........

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