App boy (6)

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(six months later)

Luke's POV

It's been six months since she left me on that beach. We never talked again after that, but Paul kept in touch and i know she's doing better. She hasn't found anyone yet, but apparently she told Paul she was done with dating for a while.

I tried moving on. I even tried being with other girls, but no matter how many lips I kissed, none of them tasted like hers. There was this one time this girl started to touch me but I could only get it up when I began thinking about Kat so I ended it before it even started.

I thought things would get better for me once school started again, but I was wrong. No matter what I do or where I go, everything reminds me of her. But I just have to let go somehow because she's okay now.

Paul's POV

I step inside Luke's room to find him crying. I have never in my whole life seen him cry. He has been brokenhearted before, but he never cried for anyone ever.

"Okay, this needs to end right now."

"You scared the crap out of me!" He jumps out of bed.

"Sorry, man, my bad. But I'm so tired of seeing you both miserable. I have never seen you cry, and we've known each other since we were babies."

"What you talking about?" He's confused

"You and Kat, man."

"What about me and Kat?" He can be really infuriating when he wants.

"You need to get in your car right now and go to her. She loves you man. She told me several times. And she's miserable too."

"But you told me she was better, that she moved on."

"Yeah, because she asked me to. She wanted you to move on because then maybe she could too."

"So you're telling me that she's still in love with me?" Oh God!

"Yes, you dumbass, that girl loves you."

"I have to go to her, right now." Finally!

"Yeah, get your shit together and go tell her you love her."

"Wait, I have to do things right this time."

"Her mother knows, you could ask her for help."

"How do I talk to her mother?" Right...

"We can try to find her on Facebook?" I offer.

"I don't even have Kat's Facebook."

"I do." His eyes get wide.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Lets do it."

I get my phone from my pocket and turn on the internet. I log in to Facebook and go to Kat's page. It's really easy finding her mother cause she has her on her family list. Luke grabs his phone and adds Kat's mother himself.

After a four-hour conversation, Luke has everything planed. He has made a reservation at an hotel and he's now packing his bag.

"How long will you stay there?"

"Well it depends on how things go. But it was nice to know her mother supports me. She even told me I could stay at their place if things work out between me and Kat."

"That's amazing. And of course things will work out, you guys love each other."

"I just hope that's enough."

"It is. But you'll have to explain everything to her, carefully. And you can't leave anything out." I advice.

"Thank you, Paul, honestly! If it wasn't for you, none of this would be possible." Luke hugs me.

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