My best friend's crush (2)

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(one month later)

Liam's POV

I came see this concert and who do I see the moment I seat down? Jane. The last time I saw her was the day we hooked up. Well, we did way more than that actually. And it was so amazing. She was the first girl who has ever let me be as rough as I like and, man, I want to feel that again.

We haven't talked since that night. She tried to keep the conversation going but I guess she realized it didn't make sense. I mean, we had a nice thing going on for a while, she's funny and hot, but we both got what we wanted so there was no point keeping it up.

The first band finishes their part and Jane gets up. She heads towards the bathroom and I go after her. I just want to say hi.

"Hey!" She sounds surprised to see me here.

"Hey!" We give each other two kisses on the cheek.

"I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, last minute decision."

"No, I meant, I didn't know you were in town. I thought you had gone home."

"I did, but I had some exams so I came back. I'm actually leave again the day after tomorrow."

"Well, I hope you finally pass those two disciplines you weren't able to finish last here."

"Thanks, me too." She smiles. "So, did you finish everything?"

"Yeah, I did."

"And how was your 1st of June?"

"It was really great, thanks."

"I'm glad." I don't know why but I don't want her to leave. I want to keep talking to her, make her smile over and over again.

"Liam, I have to tell you something." She says after a while.

"What is it?" I think something is wrong.

"I was going to text you but, since you're here, I'm just gonna say it right now."

"Is everything ok?" I'm starting to get worried.

"Well, it is for me. But I guess it depends on the point of view."

"Ok.. what is it?" I insist.

"There's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it." She takes a deep breath and then looks into my eyes. "I'm pregnant, Liam. And it's your baby." I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Are you sure?" That's all I can say.

"Yeah, you were the first guy I was with after my ex. I told you that, remember?"

"Of course I remember. I remember everything about that night." We both smile.

It's true, I do remember everything, from the look in her eyes when I first saw her that night down to the last kiss before she got on the cab. How on Earth could I ever forget her?

"I'm sorry to ask but are you sure you're pregnant?" I need to know.

"Believe me, I'm sure." She looks away from me.

"Do your parents know?"

"Of course they know."

"How did they take it?"

"Well, they weren't very happy, but there was nothing they could do."

"Are you going to keep the baby?" I don't think I'm ready to be a father.

"Hell yeah I am, I've always wanted to be a mother."

"Jane, I..." I don't know what to say.

"Liam, I didn't tell you in hopes of you wanting to be with me or wanting to be a part of the baby's life. I told you because you're his or her father and you deserve to know. You deserve to have a choice. But you also need to know that I totally understand if you want nothing to do with us. I would never hold it against you. You don't owe me anything, Liam."

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