I can if I want to (3)

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So today is the last day of the year. Today is the day I begin my hunt for my goals. Today is the day I leave many things behind. Today is the day I start a new phase. One that is all about me. All about finding happiness.

Today is also the day I'm going to sleep at D's place. It sure is a nice way to start the year. So I put on my new light blue laced panties and matching bra then slide my tights up my legs. This year I decided to go with a short strapless golden dress. I take off the hanger and put it on before steping into my black heels. My make up is simple as always but instead of my usual matte purple lipstick, tonight I chose to wear a matte dark brown color. As soon as I'm all set, I grab my purse and phone and go downstairs to meet my parents so we can leave for dinner.



It's almost 1a.m. when J texts me saying she just arrived at the town square and I tell her to meet me by the entrance of the tourism office. I still can't believe she said yes to spending the night with me.

I search for her in the crowd and my mouth drops when I see her walking towards me in a short golden dress and wearing heals. Damn, I'm speechless.

"Wow... You look absolutely stunning! I mean Ive seen you in a dress before but this one? Damn, I can't even decide between keeping it on or taking it off."

"I know, right? I am so hot!" She flips her hair, "but dont worry, you look pretty good too."

J bites her lip as she takes in the view and I can't control myself any longer. I pull her into my arms and kiss her. She doenst even flinsh, she simply runs her fingers through my hair as she feels my hands running down her body. When I reach her ass, she pulls away.

"Easy! We're in the middle of the street, remember?" She takes a step back and composes herself.

"Sorry, I couldnt resist." I run my eyes down her body again and that's when I notice she's not wearing a coat. "Arent you cold?"

"Not anymore." We both smile. "I forgot my coat in the car but since we're going to the club, i wont be cold inside."

"Well then, lets go before you freeze out here."

"I know you wouldnt let that happen." She whispers in my ear before planting a kiss on my cheek.

A few hours later, I'm watching her dance from the bar. J has been on the dance floor by herself since we arrived. I mean it's not like she's alone there because she's actually surrounded by guys hitting on her and all I want is to go there and punch them all in the face. But I can't have her thinking that I have feelings for her. I only asked her to spend the night with me because I wanted a good fuck to start the year and she's the best I've ever had.

The thing is, if I dont go dance with her for a couple of minutes I'm afraid she might leave. After all, what is the point of meeting someone if they're not going to pay any attention to you? But before I can step off my stool, J is standing next to me. I hadnt even noticed she wasnt dancing anymore.

"Is everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, great. Are you having fun?" She nods.

"I'm gonna go get some air."

"I'll come with you." I offer.

"That's okay, stay. I wont take long." She grabs her purse and makes her way to the door.

When she doesnt come back after five minutes, I put on my jacket and step out the door only to run into her.

"Sorry." I grab her elbow to steady her.

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