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I walked into class and looked around at the few people that don't have a soulmate yet and searched for a colored halo...but find none.

Uraraka noticed my sadness "Hey Deku, don't worry, you'll find your soulmate one day." Uraraka already found her soulmate, it was Iida. Before Uraraka and Iida found out they were soulmates I thought maybe Uraraka would be my soulmate because me and her were really close.

"Oi Deku! Move out of the fucking way!" Kacchan says pushing past me. I didn't realize I was still in the door way. "OKAY EVERYONE IN THEIR SEATS, CLASS IS ABOUT TO BEGIN" Iida shouted out. Uraraka giggled at her boyfiends behavior. I sadly walked to my seat.

It's hopeless...I'm not going to find my soulmate. Maybe I'll be one of those unlucky people without a soulmate. The soulmate system was kind of like how our quirks worked. About 80% of the population had a soulmate, honestly the numbers were just increasing by the minute. But I'm starting to think that since I wasn't born with a quirk I wont have a soulmate either.

It's all hopeless.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR FUCKING MUMBLING DEKU!" Kacchan yelled turning around to me. Before I can say anything in response the bell rings and Mr. Aizawa walks into the class in his yellow sleeping bag.

"Class....It's a free day, all of us teachers are tired with all of the villian attacks and everything else so if we are, the students must be tired as well. So you get a free day...which basically means. No school. Head back to you dorms and relax" Mr. Aizawa ezplains. All of us head back to the dorms.

I swear the little fucking shitty nerd bugs the fuck out of me. Why does he even care about that soulmate crap anyways. It's fucking annoying.

"Hey Bakubro!" Shitty hair says putting his arm around my shoulders. "GET YOUR FUCKING ARM OFF OF ME BEFORE I BLAST YOUR FACE SHITTY HAIR!" I yell at shitty hair. "Okay....okay...calm down. Hey! Guess what Bakubro, I found my soulmate today, It's Kaminari" Shitty hair says with a giant smile plastered on his face. "That Pikachu!? Hah! You were better off with no soulmate then that fucking Pikachu!" I say then head into my room and slam the door behind me.

I kick off my shoes then change out of my school uniform into a black tank top and sweats. I lay on my bed and just stare at the roof. I'm hopeless. I think to my self not knowing why. I eventually fall asleep.

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