The End of A New Beginning

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"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?" William Shakespear

As Milo

Ever since that night I spent with Liz, I swore it would never happen again. It was never meant to happen. The guilt I felt when I saw Willow with tears in her eyes was not something I wanted to see again. I know I am only in this for revenge on Mr. Grayson but I don't want Liz to be involved. I cannot begin to imagine what would happen if Willow ever finds out about that night. When I was at work the next day, Liz came in and closed the door. She walked over and leaned down to kiss me. I pushed her away "Liz it was a mistake. We were both drunk." She was taken by surprised "Milo please don't say that. I need you." She starts to cry again "Liz please. I am still here for you, I just cannot sleep with you again." She came over and wrapped her arms around me "Milo you know I still love you so much all these years. There was never one second that I didn't love you. Please can't you give us another chance?" I freed myself from her embrace and placed my hands on each side of her shoulders "Liz listen to me. I am here for you and I will always be. We will never be anything more." I can tell she was so disappointed and so sad as she turned around and walked out of my office. It is one thing to fuck other women, it's another to be fucking Liz behind Willow's back. Even for me, that is so wrong in so many ways. To make it up to Willow, I not only have to do the Drake dance, she made me pose as her model. She suddenly took up photography as a hobby. When I say suddenly, I really mean it. She woke up one morning and she smacks me hard on my arm while I was still in a deep sleep "Milo... come with me to buy a camera. I am going to be a photographer. You are going to be my model." I mumbled "Go back to sleep shorty." She wouldn't leave me alone. She climbed on top of me "No Milo get up now. I want to go shop for a camera." When I still didn't get up, she removed my boxers and started to tease my cock with her tongue. That totally woke me up. We ended up staying in bed for another 30 minutes.

So today is the day I am going to be Willow's model. I ask her what type of pose and what style of photography are we doing. She tells me to just sit back and she will let me know what to do. I don't have a good feeling about this because Willow can be pretty strange sometimes. So supposedly I will be naked in most of these pictures. She has turned one of the rooms in her house into a darkroom for developing films. I still have no idea why she became so into photography all of a sudden and not to mention she spent over $7000 on a Leica camera and bought an extra Leica M Lenses for another few thousand dollars.

We are at her place now and she has me waiting for her in the living room. She tells me to relax and maybe have a few shots first. I think she's right. I downed four vodka shots. She comes out and tells me to strip. I ask her "Top only right?" She shakes her head and waves her forefinger left and right "No no no no... remove EVERYTHING Milo." I sighed "Okay but please make it quick." She gives me a wicked smile "A good photographer takes her time. Never ever rush a photographer Milo." I cannot keep myself from laughing "You are insane shorty. You are insane." After I strip off all my clothes she starts to show me how to pose. Let me just tell you, I did some out of the world poses. But now I cannot wait for the pictures to come out. I spent three hours posing for her and I told her if the pictures turned out bad, she would have to give up her hobby as a photographer. She smiles at me with her pearly white teeth "I promise all the pictures of you will be so captivating... it will blow your fucking mind." I start tickling her "You sure it will blow my fucking mind? Why don't you blow something else shorty? What do you say?" She starts to run away and once I have her in my arms "You can never ever get away from me shorty. Just remember that." I start to kiss her slow and gently biting down on her lower lip... then upper lip. I bend her backward a little with my hand against the small of her back. I love kissing those soft plump lips of hers. As our kiss deepens I know she wants more. I scoop her up and bring her to the couch. She asks "Why not the bed Milo?" I murmur in her ear "It can be anywhere shorty... never just the bed." I turn her around and make her kneel on the couch. I push her upper body downward with her elbows pressing down on the couch. I lifted her ass upward by pulling her hips to me "I'm going to make you scream my name shorty." I spread her thighs as I open her folds. She loves it when I lick her clit. I can hear her whimpering as I begin teasing her now swollen clit with my tongue. She tastes so good, it reminds me of cotton candy for some reason. I probe one finger into her wetness "Why are you always so ready. You know how much I want to stick my cock inside you?" Willow is driving me crazy and the fact that I am waiting till our wedding night to make love to her makes me even more horny. I start to massage her clit with my finger as she starts to thrust her hips back and forth. I can tell she is so fucking high right now because I am too. While I am massaging her I start to stroke myself. Then I stop. I tell Willow I want to watch her touch herself. I grab a chair and sit down facing her. She spreads her legs so wide as she starts playing with herself. Rubbing her clit in circular motions. I wrap my hand around my cock and start stroking it up and down. We watch each other with burning desire as we are getting closer "Are you ready shorty?" She nods and she cried out "Milo I'm cumming." I exploded as soon as those words left her mouth. Suddenly she gets up to get her camera "Stay there. I'm going to take some pictures." I got on my feet so fast "Are you crazy shorty? NO." She already has camera in hand "YES Milo, sit down. I'm going to take some artsy pictures." I refuse to listen "No shorty. This is wrong. So wrong." She pouts "You owe me Milo Biahchi." She is right, I owe her "Fine. You better not show any of the pictures to anyone." She made a face at me "Why would I share your naked body with anyone else? Your body is for my eyes only. If you let anyone else see your body I will never forgive you." This is why she must never find out about Liz. She comes over so close to my face "Show me your cum face." I really don't know if I should laugh or cry at the moment "Shorty... you are crazy. This is total madness." She looks at me with a straight face "Just do as I say Milo." I don't know what a cum face is but I close my eyes and tilt my head back as if I am about to cum. I can hear the clicking of the shutter as I have my eyes closed. Then she comes over and kisses me "You did good Milo. That's all for today." I open my eyes and I see her staring at me "I hope this hobby of yours doesn't last." She starts to walk away "Sorry to disappoint you Milo... it's here to stay. I think I've found my true calling."

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