It's Show Time

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As Milo

I have talked Willow into going home on the 4th day. She was so reluctant to leave but I told her she cannot avoid her parents forever. She begged me to go home with her. For some reasons she thinks with me there, it will make the situation better. I also convinced her that she should definitely choose Harvard. I explained to her it would make her dad so proud and so happy. After she graduates, she would be able to live her life according to the way she wants. She finally agrees and she tells me she will miss me so much. I promise her that I would go visit her whenever I have a chance. She will also be back for winter, spring and summer break. Then she tells me she just gets so stressed out whenever she thinks of Rhys. For some reason, Rhys thinks they are going to get married.

As soon as we are back at the Manor, Willow takes my hand and walks to the library. She already knows at which time of day her dad would be there. When we walk in, Mr. Grayson is behind his desk looking over some documents. He looks up at us "So look who's back." Willow whispers "Hi daddy." He puts down his reading glass "Sit down." Willow looks at me and I nod at her. We went to sit down at the couch by the window. Mr. Grayson comes over and sits down on the other chair facing us "I'm happy to have you home sweetheart. Aren't you going to give your old man a kiss?" Willow gets up walks over to him and kisses him on the cheek. She comes back and sits down next to me so fast. I look at Willow "Aren't you going to tell your dad the good news?" I can hear her draw in a deep breath "Daddy I've decided to go to Harvard." As soon as she said that, Mr. Grayson has the biggest grin on his face "I know you would come to your senses. You are truly a Grayson." He gets up to refill his whiskey and pours two more glasses for us. He hands them to us "This calls for toast." He raises his glass "To Willow and her bright future." He continues "My daughter is destined to be a shining star." Willow and I both downed our whiskey "Daddy may I be excused." He smiles adoringly at her "Of course. I need to talk to Milo." She looks at me and I smile at her "I'll come look for you later."

After Willow is gone, Mr. Grayson came to sit down next to me. He pats me on the shoulder "You did good son. Thank you." I told him it was something I had to do. I can tell Mr. Grayson is so happy at this point "I am just so happy that you are here to help. I can tell you Milo, you will have so much in life. Just stick with me." I know exactly what he is trying to say to me. He pours me some more whiskey "To your bright future with Grayson Enterprise." I raise my glass "Thank you for giving me this opportunity Mr. Grayson." We both downed our drinks. Mr. Grayson asked me if I have problem working with Liz. I tell him Liz and I are friends still plus I don't mix personal and professional life." He nods his head with approval "I have always known you are smart Milo and that's why I have always liked you son."

After our talk, I go say hi to my mom first before I go to check up on Willow. She is just staring into space on her chair.

 She is just staring into space on her chair

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She looks at me "Finally. Did my dad give you a hard time?" I walk over to her "Yea he told me never ever set foot in this house again." Her eyes grew so wide it was so comical "WHAT? NO let me go talk to him." She starts to get up but I push her back onto the chair "I am just playing shorty." She gets up and starts punching me left and right with her fists. I grab a hold of her hands and I pull her into my chest "You want to punch me or you want to kiss me?" I can hear her breathing becoming more heavy.

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