Nobody's Fool

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"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

As Milo

Ever since I found out that Willow and Adrian were now 'friends', I kept having this uneasy feeling that this friendship might turn into something else. Willow told me she was positive that it was me that she saw that night at the hotel lobby. She came up with this theory that I was there with her mom for a secret meeting. I got nervous when she said secret meeting because I didn't know what she actually meant. Later she asked me if her mom was asking me to keep an eye on her dad because he might be cheating. I was quite amused when she said that "How did you come up with that theory?" She arches her perfectly shaped brow "You know there are always women throwing themselves at my dad. Don't think I'm stupid or ignorant Milo. There are a lot of things that I know but I keep to myself." At this point, I am quite impressed but I am also starting to worry. I mean I know Willow is not a stupid girl but I never think she would be someone that would keep things to herself. I have to ask her "So what if it's something that has to do with us? Or with me? Would you just keep it to yourself and not ask me about it?" She thinks for a moment "Well Milo, it depends on what it is. If it's something so horrible and I know I cannot forgive you... then I won't say anything. I'll just leave you." I cannot believe this day would come, that I am actually worried that Willow is going to leave me. I grab her and pull her into my chest "Shorty I want you to remember no matter what, if you ever have doubts or questions in your head about me. Please... always tell me or ask me. I don't want to lose you because of something that's stupid." She looks at me "Just because of that, I am beginning to think you are hiding something from me. So tell me Milo... why were you at the hotel that night?" I let go of her real fast because I am nervous? I'm frustrated? I run my fingers though my hair "I told you shorty. You were so drunk that night, you probably saw another guy that looked like me." She shakes her head "Keep denying Milo, I would know it's you from miles away." I walk up closer to her "Because you love me that much? I think it's in your head shorty... you miss me so much that's why you keep seeing me everywhere." She walks away from me "Sure Milo... sure. Don't think I'm really that ignorant or naive... whatever you want to call it."

As Willow

Ever since that night I went out with Adrian, Milo has been acting like a possessive boyfriend. Not to mention he kept denying that he was at the hotel that night, made me think there was definitely something going on. My mom told me she was there with Lindsay her best friend that night and I happened to know Lindsay's daughter Milla. I called Milla the next day to ask her if she wanted to get together sometimes. Then I asked her how her mom was doing and she told me her mom just got out of surgery not long ago and was resting at home. And what kind of surgery? What do women with wealthy husbands do? They get plastic surgeries. We often laugh about it even though we are talking about our mothers. So I was sure my mom was there with Milo. I just didn't know why. I figure it had something to do with my dad and I was hoping that Milo would tell me but he didn't. My parents always seems to be so in love with each other, but they are putting up a front. One day I actually overheard my mom on the phone with someone telling that person her 'husband' is leaving on another business trip. I was sure it was a guy. She told that person over the phone that she couldn't wait and she bought a set of new lingerie just for whoever it was over the phone. Am I mad at my mom? No... because I can see all these years my mom was pretty much alone. My dad travels nonstop. I hardly see him myself. Like I said, I basically grew up with no parents... but I always had Amelia and Milo. Maybe that was why I started falling in love with Milo... because he was there when I was very lonely with nobody else I can talk to in that huge manor.

Anyway... Milo is going on a business trip next week. It also happened that Adrian invited me to a music festival in California. It's going to be a two day event and I am still contemplating. I mean if I don't tell Milo he probably wouldn't know. But if I lie to him, I would feel so guilty. Then again, he still wouldn't admit that it was him at the hotel. So what can I say? An eye for any eye right? And if he ever finds out, I will for sure tell him he's a hypocrite himself. I decided to go have some fun. My intention is to take lots and lots of pictures, there's a photography contest that I am hoping to enter.

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