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"One seeks to make the loved ones entirely happy, or, if that cannot be, entirely wretched." - Jean de la Bruyere

As Milo

When I heard a ding from my phone I looked at it right away. It was a picture of Willow... with Adrian. WTF... literally What The Fuck. Why would she send me a picture of her with that hot shot attorney. And what the fuck was he doing there in Paris with her. This was news to me because she never mentioned that he was going to be in Paris also. I texted her back right away "What's this supposed to mean shorty?" She never texted me back. Even though I was trying not to overthink but it definitely bothered me. She's all the way across the world while I'm sitting here wondering what is going on. The more I think about that night at the function, the weirder the whole thing seems to me. When I asked Adrian the next day, he told me he helped me checked into a room and I went up by myself. That part I totally have no recollection of whatsoever. How I ended up with a stranger in my bed truly baffled me. Something just doesn't add up but I couldn't place my finger on it. I looked at the picture of Adrian and Willow again, thought to myself 'why did she send me that picture? Was she trying to tell me something? That she changed her mind and wanted to be with him?" I decided to give her a call but she didn't pick up. I tried calling her again 30 minutes later and still she wasn't answering.

I am a wreck and I want to know what is going on. I am pacing back and forth around the house when Sheldon comes over "What are you doing son? Come and have a drink and cigar with me." I follow him to his office and I pour us a drink. He says "Milo... is there something that's bothering you?" I walked over to him and handed him his drink "No... I mean yes. I don't know Sheldon. It's really nothing." He cocks his brow "Well... do you want to talk about it?" I begin to cut the cigar for us "It's not that I don't want to talk about it. But it's about Willow." He smells the whiskey 2 or 3 times before he tastes it... then he rolls it in his mouth before swallowing. I really like watching him enjoying his whiskey. He asks "What about Willow? I mean you and her are like bffs." I chuckle "Okay... sorry Sheldon... you really shouldn't hang out with me too much." He laughs "Why not son? I'm learning so much from you. I feel young again... just like how Liz used to make me feel." At the mention of Liz... My heart felt so heavy again "Sheldon..." He inhales the cigar "Don't worry... I'm okay. You know when you think you can only love once? It's not true. I loved Jacqueline and I thought she was everything to me when I met her. It turned out she was not the same woman I fell in love with after we got married." I asked him "What do you mean?" He takes another sip of his whiskey before he continues "You know sometimes people are with someone for their own purposes. Two people together can be like a business transaction. And when that happens, the love is not genuine in the first place. I was from a privileged family and so was Jacqueline. She chose me because I could give her everything that she wanted." And I thought of something "I had nothing ... and yet Willow chose me." She had chosen me and I took it for granted at the beginning "Sheldon... would you give us your blessing... if Willow and I were to get married? I promise you I would love her and protect her. I would never hurt her and make her cry again." He looks at me with a raised brow "I don't know son... I mean it sounds good to me but can you really do it? You know Willow is very precious to me." I look at him "Yes... I can. I, Milo Biahchi, promise to love Willow Grayson the best I can and always be true to her." He starts laughing "Well son, it's not just up to me to give you my blessing. It's really up to my daughter. I just want her to be happy. I would want her to be as happy as I was with Liz." By the end of the night, we finished almost a whole bottle of whiskey. My mom comes in "Are you two doing okay still? Let me get you water." Sheldon and I laugh and say at the same time "NO... get us another bottle please." My mom shakes her head in disapproval "Willow is not here. I cannot take care of 4 kids at once." She rolls her eyes and leaves.

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