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"In the darkest days, when I feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown." - Unknown

As Willow

That night after Milo kicked the door closed, I was really ready to give in. I loved him, he was my everything growing up. He asked me "So show me how sorry would I be?" I whispered in his ear making sure I was blowing hot air in his ear sounding all sexy "I'll show you alright." What I did next? I kneed him in the groin "There... are you sorry now?" He crouched down and had tears down his eyes "Shorty... do you realize what you just did? We might not have kids anymore." I laughed "I don't know about you, but I am going to have quite a few." I laughed as I ran out of his room. I almost gave in. I didn't know how much longer I can keep resisting him.

My dad wanted to have lunch with me today. Just me and him only. He said he wanted quality time with his one and only daughter. Of course I cannot say no to him. I arrived at this French restaurant and he was already waiting "Sorry daddy I ran late. I lost track of time working on the photographic films in the darkroom." I gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down. I look at the menu and decide on duck confit "What are you having daddy?" He smiles "I'm going to have fish. I want to eat healthy because I plan to live a very long life. Can you imagine by the time your baby brother or sister goes to college, I'll be in my seventies." I smile at him "You'll be a very young seventy. And you know by that time seventy is the new forty." He chuckles "I will make sure I live till over 100."

As we are eating and chatting, my mom's name comes up "So have you been talking to your mom? How's she doing?" I know my dad doesn't go home anymore, not since they find out Liz is pregnant "Oh she's doing okay. I met up with her a few times already." He glances at me "Did you tell her Liz and I are going to have a baby?" I put down my fork and pick up my wine glass "No daddy... I decided not to. I'm sure she already knows because you know people will talk. She never asked me so I didn't bring it up either." He sighs "You know I really loved your mom. She was so beautiful and full of life when she was young. She was just like you darling. But something changed after we got married and even more so after we had you." I look at my dad and I can see the sadness in his eyes "Daddy... I understand. You don't have to explain anything to me. I know you loved her. Trust me daddy... I know exactly how my mother is." He reaches for my hand and gives it a light squeeze "I am just so happy that you are not mad at me. I don't want you to think for a second that I am throwing my marriage away and starting a new life without you. You know I love you so much and you are always a Grayson." I smile at him "Of course I know daddy... I love you too. Don't worry about anything. Just take care of Liz and and enjoy the next chapter of your life with a new baby." He swallows hard "I really am one lucky man darling." I tell him "I wouldn't want anyone else to be my father but you... And I hope in my next life, you will be my daddy again." I think to myself... hopefully next life we can be a simple family living a simple life. Life can be really simple... just father, mother and a couple of siblings. When I get married, I'm for sure going to have more than one kid...It was quite lonely growing up alone in the manor. I thought of Milo again. Without him and Amelia... what would I have become.

My dad asks me "What are you thinking about sweetheart?" I tell him "You know daddy... Milo is not a bad person. Amelia and him have always been there for me growing up while you were busy with work and mom was busy with her social circle of friends . I don't want you to be angry with Milo." He looks right into my eyes "You know sweetheart... I always knew Milo was a very smart guy and that was why I gave him a chance in life. I treated him like a son ... oh believe me I really did. It wasn't the fact that he slept with your mother, it was the fact that he hurt you Willow. Yes... I didn't want you two to be together because you were my daughter a Grayson. I wanted the best for you and Milo to me wasn't. But trust me at the end... if you are to tell me that you Willow Grayson... loves him and he truly loves you, I would give you my blessings. I want someone that will love and protect my daughter... because you are my world my precious babygirl." I wipe the tears from my face "Don't make me cry daddy... I am a grown up now." He also helps to wipe the tear off my cheek "You are never a grown up in my eyes."

8 Months Later

As Willow

Due date for Liz is getting close, she will check into the hospital in three days. I'm getting so excited and nervous at the same time. I took pictures of her  round belly with my dad. It's going to be their special gift which I will give to them after the baby is born. I'm over at her house today helping her pack her overnight bag for the hospital "Can you bring your own PJs? The hospital gowns are not comfortable." She laughs "I think I would have to wear their gown Willow." I ask her "What about baby clothing? Swaddle? Bibs? Onesies?" She laughs "Oh my god.. Willow it seems like you are the one that's going to have a baby." I walk over to her and I place my hand over her round tummy "You are carrying my precious baby sibling. I want him or her to be comfortable and happy when he or she comes out." Liz places her hand over mine "I know for a fact the baby cannot wait to meet you...Thank you Willow for giving me a chance. I would never imagine that we can be standing here talking like friends and family right now." I suddenly feel there's a movement on the stomach "Oh my god... I think the baby just kicked." She laughs "Yes.. this baby is definitely a kicker. Your dad is having a ball at night just feeling my stomach..." I have to giggle "Maybe it's a kung fu baby... I bet it's going to be a boy." She looks down at her stomach "No matter boy or girl.. it will be born into a loving home with the most loving and caring sister." I hug Liz "You know I'm so glad we are family now. I'm serious. Thank you so much for making my dad happy again...and for giving him another child and me another sibling. I've always wanted a sibling growing up." Liz laughs "Do you want more than just one sibling Willow?" I look at her "Of course I do. You and my dad will have more after this one." She giggles "Well you know your dad is still very young and he is a very healthy man." I roll my eyes "Okay Liz... let's stop here." She says "Sure Willow. But can I ask you something?" I smile at her "Of course." She grabs my hand "Are you happy with Adrian? I know he is a good man but are you happy with him?" I shrug "Of course I'm happy with him. Why wouldn't I be?" She looks me intently in the eyes "What about Milo. You have no more feelings for him? You really don't think about having a future with him anymore?" I let out a sigh "Honestly Liz... I do miss Milo. I still have feelings for him but I'm scared. I don't know if I can ever forget about what happened between him and my mom. I can forgive... the forgetting part is the hardest." Liz comes to me "Life is too short. You have to be with the one that makes you happy... truly happy. Don't let your pride or what the society thinks make you choose differently. You follow your heart and that's all that matters." I look at her "When did you realized that you loved my dad and wanted to be with him?" She has the most beautiful smile on her face now "You know the very first time I met your dad was at your house... he was the most charming man I've ever met. The way he spoke and the way he presented himself... it was like no other man that I've ever come across. You know I was dating Milo at that time.. and Milo was a boy. I mean Milo can always make me laugh but your dad... your dad was just different. I was attracted to him but I didn't know the attraction was just infatuation or what. Then when I started working at the Grayson Enterprise... I learned so much from him and he was just so smart and he knew so much about everything, I fell for him. At first I really thought it was just physical attraction but your dad was so good to me. It was me that never opened myself up to him in the beginning. He helped me through the toughest time too when my mom was dying. I thought I needed Milo...but it was your dad that got me through my darkest days. He even arranged for my mother's funeral and took care of everything for me. I'm forever grateful to him." I am tearing up again "You know he is supposed to right Liz? If he loves you... he would be there for you when you need him." She takes a deep breath "Yes... that's why I love Sheldon. I love him so much and I just want him to be happy. He is my everything Willow." I inhale and exhale "You know I love you. I love my dad. I am going to be the best sister to my baby sibling." I see her face suddenly changed "Oh my god... I think my water broke." I look down and there's water or whatever on the floor..."What do we do?" She is in pain "We have to go to the hospital now." I pick up my phone "I'm calling a cab now.. you hold on Liz please."

I grabbed her overnight bag while Liz was in pain but I can tell she was trying to keep calm "It's okay Willow... I'll be fine." I held her around the waist and we started to walk outside. The cab should be here in a few minutes and I tell her "Breathe in .. breathe out. Breathe Liz. I saw that on TV... breathe." She giggles "I'm trying Willow... oh my god... I don't know." Then suddenly I hear a loud bang... I don't know where it is coming from and I hear another bang.... I ask Liz "Do you hear that?' And I feel her body weight on me now... She is falling down "Liz... what are you doing?" I see blood... I see blood dripping from where? I don't know.... I don't know what is going on. I screamed "LIZ.." I cried "Somebody help... someone has been shot... PLEASE HELP US." I am crying.. I am screaming "Liz..." GOD HELP US PLEASE.

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