My Shorty My Life

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"Your life is not a countdown to your death, but a stepping stone for the lives that will live after you. Squander today, and you will find yourself useless tomorrow."
― A.J. Darkholme, 

As Milo

Willow and I are at the hospital right now.  I watch her sitting quietly by Sheldon's bedside holding his hand while looking at him.  We come to the hospital everyday waiting for him to wake up.  I walk over and I place both hands on each side of her shoulders "He looks so tranquil."  She says "My dad is so handsome... I still remember telling him when I was four that I want to marry him when I grow up."  I know this isn't the time or place but I cannot help myself "Yes until that one day you opened your eyes and saw me for the ridiculously good looking boy.  You realized that you wanted to marry me instead."  She puts Sheldon's hand down and she gets up leaving the room.  I follow her from behind "Where are you going?  Wait up."  She turns around walking backward now "I'm going to go throw up."  I take a hold of her hands grabbing her by the wrists "You are a bad bad bad girl."  She shakes my hands off her and places one hand over her mouth "No... I really need to throw up."  She runs so fast to the restroom and all I can do is to wait outside for her.  When she finally comes out I ask "Are you okay?  You look so pale."  She smiles "I'm fine... probably I ate something bad."  I am still worried "Well if you are not feeling well maybe we should go to a doctor."  She starts walking back to the room "No I said I'm fine.  Don't worry okay?"  I take a hold of her hand "I worry... I always worry about you because you are my Shorty."  She rolls her beautiful eyes "I know Milo I know.  But I am feeling fine right now..."  I make her stop walking and I pull her close to me... then I push her away gently.  She looks at me weird "What are you doing Milo?"  I squeeze my nose "Your breath smells like puke."  She turns around walking away "You are so stupid Milo..."

My mom is already there when we walk into the room.  She comes everyday and I help her re-position Sheldon... making sure he is not just lying on the same side or on his back for too long.  Skin rash will develop if a person lies in the same position without moving.  I walk to my mom "Shorty just puked."  She immediately walks to Willow "Are you okay my child?"  She places the back of her hand on Willow's temple "Nope... no fever.  Maybe something you ate?  Are you still feeling sick?  Why don't you go home.  I'll stay here longer to watch your dad."  Willow says "You know I threw up because your son over there said he was so ridiculously good looking... wouldn't you want to throw up too?"  My mom laughs "True... what he said was just so gross."  Willow makes a face at me "See... even mom agrees."  



I didn't know why but suddenly I felt nauseous earlier.  It felt so much better now that I threw up. It must be the breakfast I ate on my way to the hospital.  Milo and I stayed a little longer at the hospital and we left.  I wanted to go to the park to take some pictures.  I have my camera with me again all thanks to Milo.  After that night he showed up at my place with caterpillar brows, I was inspired to pick up my camera again.   We walk hand in hand at the park until we reach the pond.  We see a group of baby duckies swimming behind the mother duck.  I start snapping pictures again and Milo says "You always take pictures of the same duckies with their mom."  I am still taking pictures and I ask him "How do you know they are the same duckies from before?"  He pushes my hand down from taking pictures... pointing to one of the duckies "Look closely Shorty... you see that?"  I'm trying to see what he's pointing at "No... what is it."  He keeps pointing at one of the duckies "That one... he has an orange color feather on the left."  I finally see it "Oh right.  So they are the same duckies?"  He laughs "Yea... go home and check your other pictures... see if you can find the little duckie with the orange feather."  I think this is so nice "Thanks Milo for pointing that out.  I'll go home and look later."  He wraps his arm around my neck kissing my side temple hard "Shorty you are just too cute.  Of course they are not the same duckies.. don't you think the duckies you saw before are all grown up now?  They must be mother and father ducks by now?"  I start punching him  hard on his arm "You're such an ass Milo..."  He grabs my hand and pulls me to him "But I think it's time you and I have duckies... you are not getting any younger."  I pull away from him "If I'm not getting any younger, you are getting old too Milo.  You are so old Milo... the hair on your dick is turning white."  He tries to tickle me "Oh really?  Then maybe you have to help me dye it back to black.  If you don't do it then I'll have to find a sexy 21 year old hairdresser to do it for me."  I am jealous for no reason "Oh a 21 year old huh?  You admit it yourself now... you like them young."  I don't even know why I'm upset because I know he's just joking.  My tears start falling for no reason.  He looks at me and realizes that I'm crying "Shorty... you know I'm just playing with you.  I only have room for one person in my heart and that is you Shorty.  Please don't cry... I'm so sorry."  He wraps his arms tightly around my waist as I sob against his chest "I'm sorry Shorty... I don't mean to make you cry.  I stopped looking at other women for a long time...  There is no reason for me to look at others because I am the luckiest person to have someone like you."  I say as my sobs die down "Yes you are one lucky ass and you have to remember that.  If I ever catch you looking at another women... I will poke your eyes out."  He kisses the top of my head "I will never look at another woman... but I am not sure how I am going to tell my mom I can no longer look at her."  I laugh "You stupid Milo..."

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