The Legacy

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"Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones.  A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you" - Adler

As Willow

When the doctor comes out from the surgery room, I run over "Is everything okay?  Is my dad okay?"  Dr. Mann has been our doctor for years "Honey your dad is in a coma.  I am very sorry."  I look at him in disbelief "What do you mean Dr. Mann?  Why is he in a coma?"  He looks at my mom and looks at me again "He had a heart attack and he just undergone surgical bypass.  But Willow don't worry your dad is in good hands.  Trust me I will do everything I can to make sure he is okay"  I know tears are streaming down so hard because I don't think this is okay "Dr. Mann please help my dad.  He's so young... And my twin brothers are waiting for him at home."  I can hear him sighing "I will do my best Willow... I promise."  He walks away and I am crying "I want to see my dad."  Milo puts his hand on my arm gently "Shorty... you will see him soon."

I don't even know where I'm going but Milo takes my hand and walks out of the hospital.  I look up to the sky "There are no stars tonight Milo."   He stops walking "Shorty... be strong.  You are a Grayson.  You know Sheldon would want his daughter to be his legacy right?"  I think about it and I start crying "Legacy?  Milo my dad doesn't need a legacy.  He is alive and well."  I can see tears in Milo's eyes "Shorty... listen to me.  Legacy doesn't mean your dad is dying at this moment.  I'm just saying your dad is so proud of you and you are his legacy."  I refuse to listen to him "Don't tell me anything right now.  If you have to say something." I back away from him "Tell me my dad is OKAY... tell me that I will be drinking and chatting with him when the sun comes out.  Tell me you will be lighting up a cigar with him ASS MILO."  I am breaking down again... I fall to my knees with both palms covering my face.  I cannot take more heartaches.  I just cannot.  Not now not ever.  Then... my mom the high and mighty Mrs Grayson are on her knees kneeing before  me "Darling... we will get through this okay?  I promise you.  Be strong... and know that your mommy is here with you till the end."  I look up at her and I am crying even harder.  I fall into her arms... "Mommy..."  

6 Weeks Later

As Willow

My wedding is postponed.  My dad is still in a coma.  I go to the hospital every single day hoping that my dad would be up and waiting for me.  Adrian on the other hand... seems happier than he has ever been.  Everyday he tells me he is busy meeting clients and he goes on a 2 or 3 days business trip every week.  I am not complaining,  I actually like it better when he's not around.  He tells me that he prays every night to GOD that my dad would wake up so we can proceed with our wedding.  He says he knows it means the world to me that my dad could walk me down the aisle. I of course thank him for being so 'understanding.'  I sit by my dad's bedside every single day... talking to him telling him that I am here and the twins are waiting for him.   I convinced Dr. Mann to let my brothers come visit my dad, even for just a few minutes.  I know babies are not allowed in the hospital because of germs and because their immune system is not fully developed yet.  But I know if my dad could hear his boys sound, he would do his best to wake up and come back to us.  Finally Dr. Mann gives in "Just because I  have been a family friend and because I want Sheldon to get up and we go golfing again."  So today,  with Amelia's help we have the twin here.  I am carrying Maddox and Amelia has Matthew "Daddy... the boys are here to see you.  They have been missing you and wondering where you have been.  And they want you home soon."  The twins starts making sounds and kicking their feet "I know bros... I know... daddy will come home soon."  Amelia lowers herself with Matthew in her arms and she takes his little hand and puts it on top of my dad's just for a second "There... now daddy can feel Matthew's touch and he will wake up soon."   I am starting to tear up again and I kiss Maddox "Daddy will be home soon, I promise you baby bro."  

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