Brilliant Plans

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Imagine seeing the man who once bought you infinite dresses just because you asked , now refusing to even look into your eyes

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Imagine seeing the man who once bought you infinite dresses just because you asked , now refusing to even look into your eyes.

My father might be a leading businessman and a billionaire but he has landed himself in some deep shit, because I have come up with a brilliant plan to escape this horrible circumstance.

I slowly crept up to the second floor landing and slipped inside dad's study before Anabelle could intercept my moves with her robotic hearing and stop me. My father was seated on his leather seat , his ivory forehead was wrinkled  in a little frown. 

Great he's alone assistants or colleagues in sight. I clear my throat, waiting for him to look up...


He does not lift his head to meet my eyes instead keeps writing whatever was much more important than talking to me.

"father.. I am not getting married to that boy whether you like it or not."

I discern my face in a look of obstinacy, refusing to back down. He finally stops writing and lets out a huge sigh, not an irritated one I realize but a tired one. I know this is my moment to strike, so I seat myself in front of him and begin the monologue i practiced in front of the mirror.

"dad, I know you would never take a decision that would put me in harm's way... But this is not about marrying someone, its about you not even bothering to ask me before striking whatever deal you made with the Cannon's... I'm your daughter, not some estate you can sign over to anybody whenever you want."

I expertly angled my head in a slight tilt to convey my sadness and held his hand across the massive oak table. He just kept looking at me and breathing loudly through his nose as if he could blow me away if he tried hard enough. My puppy eyes did not falter ...

"Listen, Mor I get where this is coming from... and I feel terrible, so I'm willing to fix this situation"

My mind was throwing a party right now, I could almost envision tiny versions of me jamming to 'turn down for what' in my brain.

"So I have decided that you need acting classes."

The music stopped, and the little versions of me stilled. I didn't even know what he was talking about, but the slight upward tilt of his lips made me realize he had caught on to my so called brilliant plan...But HOW?!

"Mor you often forget, that I am your father.... And your acting skills, are much worse than that of your mother... so next time you practice a guilt tripping speech in the mirror, remember to close the door"

oh , that's how ....

UUGGHHHHH!!! Father's deep rumbling laughter made my blood boil and I stood up, tipping the chair I was sitting on to its side. I narrowed my eyes to mere slits and spit out with as much anger I could summon to hide my utter embarrassment... 

"This.. IS NOT OVER  father!"

I stormed out of the room fuming... mostly angry at myself for being the biggest idiot in the entire universe. The only person whom I could trust now was Elsie an absolutely gorgeous socialite and aspiring model who also happened to be my best friend.


"what the fuck, do you mean by he did not listen !"

Elsie's frantic pacing and swearing was giving me a headache, but since she was the only one who sympathized with my situation right now. , I didn't reprimand her ... 

It had taken five scones and a glass of wine to calm her down after she saw the interview and thought quoting her directly her "that I was getting married and had the audacity not to tell her."

"I am talking to Mr.Sloane right now! He cannot just pawn you off to a family as a business deal. I mean I get that Nash is absolutely dreamy and I would never complain if I was in your place, but this is totally unfair, to you I mean."

I stared at her, how the hell could she think about Nash cannon being dreamy while I was stuck in this perpetual tragedy with absolutely no loop holes to save me.

"El, I love you, but please shut the fuck up"

She immediately stopped pacing and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"why don't you play the 'my mommy ran away' card? That always works , whenever you want a new Hermes bag"

"He would probably laugh his ass off if I used that excuse for something that actually matters, every person in this house knows that If I had to save a random person on the street or my mom... I would obviously choose the random person. So that solution is ...."

Her sympathetic smile returned ... displaying her slightly large front teeth, and I just sat down feeling utterly defeated. We had explored every possible escape route that were poles apart and ranged from murdering Nash Cannon (which we eliminated immediately , because of Elsie's fascination with him) to running away to some remote place in Texas and having to say ya'll for the rest of my life. None of which were going plausible.

Thinking back two days ago , the only stressful thing in my life had been how I would make it from the Paris shoot to the New York one ... Now I realized what a shitstorm my life had turned into .

Elsie  realized my apprehensiveness , and settled herself down beside me on the bed motioning for me to lie down with her . I lay down and started to wonder what Nash must have felt about this whole situation ..

  was he okay with it ? or was he trying to find a way out just like me? 

Elsie starts humming a really annoying song , bobbing her head side to side

"my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard "

I unconsciously start muttering the words with her and drift away stuck inside a tightening gyre of thoughts that kept going on forever . 

After the completion of two annoying songs and a forgotten rhyme that we used to sing in nursery , Elsie finally got up to head home ..I gave her the tightest hug .. squeezing her pale skinny arms into her body leaving no space between them .

"Thank you for keeping me company El"

She shrugged as if to say any time and waved three fingers in goodbye as she headed for the door . 

My mind has not stopped playing the annoying song and It was driving me absolutely crazy ...DAMN KELIS AND HER MILKSHAKES!

  A small fire of an idea kindled in one corner of my mind ... As it took form into a proper thought i realized .. What if I bring the boy to the yard by offering him milkshake ?

Yep that sounded really very bad .... but , it might work.

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