Off to Morgantown then

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It has been two minutes since Elsie and Henry sauntered off downstairs to distract Ryan

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It has been two minutes since Elsie and Henry sauntered off downstairs to distract Ryan. Nash and I are lurking around the stairs straining our eager ears to properly hear their muffled conversation.

I hear Elsie say
Nash and I are lurking around the stairs straining our ears to hear their muffled conversation.

I think I hear Ryan snort and some papers ruffling.

Then Henry says.

"So you alone around here?"

To that Ryan typically gives some retort which I couldn't decipher through the thick walls.

After few more moments of agonizing waiting I finally hear commotion.

Henry was frantically screaming, and Ryan was yelling at him to calm down.

Very gradually their voices seemed to drift from the reception to somewhere towards the back.

I could hear Nash muttering 'christ' over and over again.

Nothing could be discerned right now. I still waited for another two seconds for safety.

And then with a single nod behind me, Nash tip toed down the stairs I quietly tailed him.

Our feet cat soft on the carpet.

I could hear faint murmurs coming from the back.

We were standing at the last step now. Only a few feet between us and the door now.

I swear I saw a bead of sweat roll down Nash's head.

Without giving it a second thought I bolted to glass door and just ran as fast as I could.

Gravel flew everywhere as my feet hit the asphalt.

Only after seeing the bus stand sign ahead did I slow down a bit.

I turned around and found Nash not very far behind.

He reached me in a second and bent down his hands on his knees . Panting heavily.

If we weren't running for our lives I would have totally found him sexy.

I leaned against the red bus stop sign and waited for our allies to come out of the motel and take us to the car.

Nash was still bending down. He finally let out a loud huff of air and then looked up.

Before I could blink he placed both his hands beside my head and locked me in place.

I straightened up and gulped. I kinda had abandoned him.

He was still breathing heavily, and his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat.

He was still breathing heavily, and his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat.

He leaned close so close that I could count the light dots on his nose.

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