Let's look

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Day 1 of Disappearance

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Day 1 of Disappearance

The most interminable night had begun. It was around two o'clock when my phone instantly started ringing endlessly. I didn't pick up the first three times Lana Del Rey's summertime sadness rung around the room from my bedside table out of sheer slowness. 

But at the fourth time I began to realize it was presumably something significant.I lazily got out of my bed and wearily answered the phone cutting off Lana's classic song abruptly.

Someone kept shouting on the other side until Arabelle's clear and curt voice cut through my sleep haze. A heavy weariness settled in my bones, I remember thinking something was wrong with Morgan and dreading the next thing I was about to hear. Arabelle demanded to know if Morgan was with me and I said candidly she wasn't, she asked me a few more specific questions but my possible answers were not of any valuable help.

I glanced at the bedside clock, and full-fledged worry began seizing me. I don't remember the specifics after that. I drove over to the Sloane house as fast as I could. Upset Mr. Morgan was speaking in incoherent riddles, and Arabelle was trying valiantly calming him down by reassuring him.

I spotted Henry Beddor who I recalled correctly was Nash's acclaimed singer best friend standing passively in a desolate corner and witnessing all the personal drama unfold with a freaked out look on his anxious face.

I had walked over to him and casually stood beside him; he had merely given my face a complete check and promptly decided I would undoubtedly have to be adequately dealt with later. Seeing his obvious lack of understanding of the situation, I decided to rid him of his confusion.

"They ran away."

He looked over at me with a tired expression fixing his shirt's collar.

"I know."

I had spotted a paper peeking out of his clenched fists, he had followed my line of vision and had thrust the white notebook paper towards me. I had waded through it and finally understood. I nodded towards Henry to follow me into the dining room he understood and followed.

"Did she tell you she was running away?" I shook my head and pursed my lips.

"She was unhappy with the deal" Henry lifted his eyebrows at this information.

"So was Nash"

We both nodded and desperately tried to piece together the baffling mystery as to why Mor and Nash two people unhappy with the deal to get forcibly married to each other would run together?

I had unlocked my phone and examined my messages for the hundredth time. The glowing screen had still been the same, about fifty messages from me but none from Mor. Henry had begun pacing around the vast dining room. He had clasped and unclasped his eager hands.

"Where do you think they went?"

I pursed my lips again and genuinely tried to think strategically about where Mor could have gone. I wished she was okay... Sometimes her anxiety got too much and she had a real hard time trying to calm herself down again. Henry's pacing had stopped then.

"What if something has bad happened to them?"

His quivering question was undoubtedly not a right one. I didn't even want to think of negative things right now. I remembered feeling extremely agitated at his foolish and useless thought. I had snapped at him.

"Stop making drama you are not Shakespeare!"

He had looked at me and had let out a low laugh. I had no idea how he could have laughed during such a distressful situation.

But all this was before I had no leads at all as to where those two runaways could have gone.

Henry and I had stayed up until four am and come up with possible scenarios locations of where they could have gone.

At around three thirty am I was slumping on my chair with disheveled hair and a classic shirt that was now sweaty due to unusually warm night.

Henry was dozing off and waking up every two minutes to gaze at the poem Mor had written merely to voluntarily close his eyes again and typically continue the continuous cycle of gazing and dozing.

The chaos had subsided sufficiently around three am. Arabelle had finally calmed Mr. Sloane down and reassured him that they would properly handle this in the morning. Both of them were asleep upstairs.

I was laying down on the table now, by laying down I meant completely sprawled on the dining table bear foot. Henry had been scrolling through his mobile phone the last time I had checked before closing my eyes to catch a wink of adequate sleep.

I envisioned Mor alone at a vacant parking lot having a panic attack.

I felt a looming presence above my body.

"Touch me and die" I cracked open an eye and instantly saw Henry hovering above me ready to gently poke my cheek with a pen. He looked alert and aware. I observed his mannerism and sat up on the table folding my legs beneath me. He cleared his throat as if about to give a demonstration.

"After lots of contemplating I realized that both of them must have take public transport to wherever they have run away to...So I conducted a brief search and found the bus schedule of the most local bus station. The most recent bus had arrived at around two am and is headed to Indianapolis."

I nodded approvingly and eagerly absorbed the valuable information Henry had dug up. It made sense. Arabelle had said she had heard creaking sounds at around two am but regarded it as nothing but a cat. Until she had woken up at three am to use the bathroom only to undoubtedly discover Mor's ajar door and empty bedroom. She had panicked and woken up Mr.Sloane and then called her to ask. Henry had arrived promptly after Mr.Sloane had contacted Nash's father who had then called him and notified him to instantly reach the Sloane household.

"It makes sense. The possible timeline we have established says that Mor and Nash must undoubtedly have left around the time the local bus must have arrived."

Henry nodded in approval and both of us contemplated whether to give this valuable information to Arabelle or not.

"We need to go and find them."

Henry nodded once again.

"We can definitely not tell the police or let anybody find those two."

I undoubtedly knew he was right. A sense of excitement coursed through my veins. It was up to us now. I needed to find Mor safely.

"We'll leave in the morning, after breakfast so that we don't arouse suspicion."

I started getting of the ornate table and promptly met Henry's vigilant eyes courteously giving him a confident nod. He nodded back and instantly left through the polished door.

I'm coming Mor hang on.

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