Conning men '101'

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I didn't know why but a strange sense of exhilaration is passing through my body in huge waves as I approach closer to the door

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I didn't know why but a strange sense of exhilaration is passing through my body in huge waves as I approach closer to the door.

I don't turn around because I didn't want to tip anyone off that I was with Nash. 

So I change my stride into a lazy and side to side one, which makes my non-existent butt pop out a little.

Honestly, Elsie is a lot better at this than I am.

 Once she charmed her way into a concert by convincing the bouncer that she was the lead singer's girlfriend. Which, if you hear about it, sounds like the lamest excuse.

But she was so determined that the bouncer had to go fetch the singer and the guy took one look at Elsie and played along.

We watched the whole thing back stage and even talked to band after. But we couldn't attend the after party which we were invited to by the way. Because when the lead singer tried to hook up with Elsie she punched him in the balls.

So yeah, the bottom line is Elsie is much better at conning men.

An overhead bell jingled when I pushed open the glass door. The sleazy teenager we had spotted before looked up and his eyes immediately went to the one part I had made sure was sticking out.

My boobs.

Classic men. I mean I have no idea what is the crazy primal satisfaction  men get by staring at two lumps of literal fat that serve as a feeding reserve for a baby but have no role otherwise except burdening us with their weights and sticking us with the unfortunate need to wear a bra.

After the dude had 'checked me out' he, finally found the decency to do his job.

"Hello ma'am, welcome to Breezewood's finest motel. How may I help you today?"

I managed not to gag at his overly pimpled face and yellow teeth that screamed 'you do not want to come near me.'

"Well hello there. I umm couldn't help but notice you from outside."

First rule of conning by Morgan Sloane.

Always fuel their tiny egos by telling then 'you' noticed 'them'. Side note there is only one rule.

He couldn't keep the stupid grin off his face. He leaned over the desk, and I tried to subtly move away.

"So what exactly did you notice?"

I had to take a second to think of a lie. Because this guy was making it hard to think of good things.

"You are hot obviously. I mean I know that sounds creepy but."

"Not at all. You are not quite bad yourself."

His disgusting face twitched a little which I figured was an attempt at winking. He slid from behind the desk and came to stand directly in front of me. I managed to keep my smile intact. Damn Elsie would have been proud of me!

"So I am..."

I figured telling them my real name wouldn't be very productive so I had to think of a fake one.

"I am Sasha!"

That was a classic stripper name. No offense to all the non-stripper Sasha's of the world.

"Well I am Ryan. How about we get to know each other a little better while I give you a tour huh?"

I bobbed my head, and he immediately started walking through the corridor. Ugh god please don't force me to make make out with him! I finally took a deep breath because I had been holding it.

I hope Nash hasn't bailed on me and run away out of fear of breaking a rule or something.

I follow the guy through the corridor.  As I was taking the turn, I hear the merciful jingle of the bell. I'm hoping that's you, Nash...

Ryan is talking about how his uncle has stuck this stupid job on him because he had to go out of town.

I decided this was the time to gain Intel on the motel and map out our possible escapes if we were to be caught.

"So your uncle owns the motel?"

He nodded but didn't look back and kept walking through the corridor passing rooms that looked like utility closets. 

We haven't passed any other staff members till now which is a good sign.

"Do you guys have CCTV here?"

He stops in front of a door that has '101' plastered on it. And gives a short laugh.

"Of course not. We can barely afford staff."

He opens the door and walks inside.  I have no option but to follow him in.

My fingers have turned red with all the nervous rubbing I am doing.

"So this is my room for the week. It's pretty cool. I don't have room service, but our cook Marjorie makes the best pasta."

I nod and keep looking around for possible exits from this situation.

 His room is fairly clean except a few clothes on a chair and a really obscene magazine on the bed which he throw's under the bed with a not so subtle shove.

"So umm you gonna give me a blow?"

His disgusting smile makes me want to punch his teeth and make him swallow them.

I smiled as seductively as possible without spitting at his stupid face. I know I am being violent. But look at the guy. Ewww.

"Sure... I umm just need a minute. Can I use the ladies room?"

He quickly points to a door towards the corner.  I had to stop myself from not running away. I look back and see him sitting on the bed taking off his shoes. I give him one last smile and close the door.

The bathroom thankfully was not filled with junk. 

I have to think of a way to escape. Luckily there is a huge window which looks like it could be forced open.

I walk over to the window and flip the latch. YES! It opened. A quick survey outside tells me that the window opens to the street facing the road . Which means the entry is just a few feet away from me.

I quickly slide the window open and throw my legs outside. 

Thank god we were on the ground floor. I wedge myself out of the window and shut it as quietly as possible.

I do a quick victory dance and run towards the entrance.

 While creepy Ryan is expecting a blow in his bed room , I am getting into his stupid motel.

I push open the door and immediately spot Nash wildly motioning his hands to follow him up the stairs . I quickly run and climb the stairs all the way to the second floor.

Nash smiles at me and flashes the key to room '202' which he has successfully stolen.

 We unlock the room and shut it quickly. I lean against the door just to make sure nobody tailed us and wants to kick the door down.

Both of us burst out laughing, and I tell Nash the span of the events with Ryan the sleazeball.

I can't stop laughing, and he has tears streaming down his face.

"I can't believe you stole the key!"

I hug him, and he lifts me into his arms and gives me a little spin.

"I can't believe you seduced a guy!"

His arms are still around me, and we are smiling widely at our attempted break in.

And at the moment I want to lean in and kiss him. But I don't.

I look at the floor, and he quickly lets go of me.

"Well I mean anybody could have been seduced you did look pretty umm sexy!"

He lets out an awkward laugh, and I slap his arm playfully.

I can't believe I  almost leaned in to kiss Nash. What was I thinking?

Nash sits on the bed . And I finally take the time to check the room out. 

It is clean and even has those slippers which the five stars provide.

I go into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

For a second I don't recognize the girl who stares back at me from the mirror.

The one I see looks like she has just won a marathon. Her cheeks are flushed. And there is a wide smile on her face. Some people would say that she even looked pretty.

I think I like this Morgan Sloane. 

The daring one. The one that wants to kiss Nash so badly that her stomach hurts.

Which reminds me that I am hungry!

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