Milkshakes and Boys

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"No... No absolutely not! I will not listen to this absurd request of yours!"

Father's eyes widened at my utter dismissal. I had never refused to do anything for him, so I understood the surprise but this was too much.

"Son, you need to understand. There is no other way out of this. You know your grandmother and her rules."

I knew it! The only person bonkers enough to come up with such a plan could be grandma dahlia. That lady was insane personified!

"Father, with all due respect... even you know this is not necessary. And if you can't find a way out, I will"

I respectfully left his office and walked with a newfound resolve to solve this dire situation at hand. I fished out the phone that was constantly buzzing due to the stupefying interview given by none other than Morgan Sloane. 

I wasn't even aware of the ordeal until Henry had called and laughed for two minutes straight and informed me that he's coming over and also to look at the news. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

The screen displayed 37 missed calls, 43 e-mails and two text messages. I decided to start with the least and opened the text message.

It was from an unknown number, but the area code was the same as mine.

It was from an unknown number, but the area code was the same as mine

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I dropped the phone on the plush carpet , but immediately retrieved it... relieved that it wasn't broken. I typed and erased until I decided to go with the standard 'hello'.

 I typed and erased until I decided to go with the standard 'hello'

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Her brashness surprised me .... I have met ladies and women from the business industry many of whom hold prestigious positions in multi-billion dollar companies , but none of them had ever dared to talk to me so informally . The absolute command in her words conveyed the displeasure for the deal that had been striked between our fathers .

I quite liked Morgan Sloane..

But I have to figure out a way out of this unwelcome situation soon enough , or I have a feeling Morgan would decimate me right here in my own house .


"For the hundredth time I am not getting married to Morgan Sloane , Henry"

His laughter had just subsided , before it started right back up again because of my downright irked voice.

"I am glad that you're finding my misery funny , but I really need your help"

He clutched his stomach even harder , tears were now streaming out of his brown eyes . He beat the pillow a few times until he coughed into his palms and straightened up on the bed .

I let out a relieved sigh , and readied myself for any advice or information.

"Dude ! You are in deep shit"

An exasperated huff came out of my mouth as I watched Henry just resume his original position on the bed clutching his stomach , no sound coming out of his mouth this time as he continued to laugh .

I think going through with this situation was the only solution , until I found a way out ..

I have to convince father that I am on board with this plan . Because if he realizes that I am trying to find a loophole he'll not leave any scope of an escape for Morgan and I.

After sparing a few seconds of knowledge about how 'I should just live with it' and whole lot of laughing and lazing around , Henry took his leave to again go and enjoy his time at some uptown bar that had opened a few days ago .

Sighing wasn't going to help , so I decided to make the best of my time and indulge myself in a deep web search of the Sloane tech company and the family that owned it .

two minutes into the search , I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door .. Before I could tell the person to come in my mother's blonde head poked in through the door.

"Hello sweetie ... I was just wondering what you were up to "

By her crinkled brows and war stance I understood she had been deployed by my father to update him on my current standing with the situation . So I decided to put my plan into action.

"Nothing mother , I was just doing some research about that upcoming charity fund.. Is there anything you need?"

She was now fully inside the room , Her pearl necklace catching the light from my bedroom light and shimmering . She looked relieved at my calm and collected voice . I wonder If father had told her about my outburst in his study .

"It's just.. are you okay? I mean I know the news was sprung upon you .. but you should know that It was the right thing to do "

I plastered a complacent smile on my face and stood up from my chair .

"Don't worry mother , I understand . Tell father I have no complaints about the deal . "

My mother's face lit up with glee , as she walked around the chair to give me a tight hug . Her small frame reaching my chest .

" I will inform him immediately , we need to plan everything as soon as possible .. The wedding is only a week away ...."

My mother exited my bedroom .. not bothering to notice my jaw which was now touching the floor because of the unceremonious news that , I was to be married withing a week !

I decided to inform Morgan of the new impediment in our situation ... we had absolutely no time to conjure up a plan .

   Remaining of my hope of getting out of this situation were consigned to oblivion

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   Remaining of my hope of getting out of this situation were consigned to oblivion .

A week .. That was all I had , before my life would change forever.

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