Chapter 1

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Edited: 10/29/2019

Edited (again): 04/10/2020

=Izuku's POV=

I groan as my annoying alarm clock beeps, essentially waking me up. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and try to tame my hair by pushing it back my forehead and pressed a button to dismiss my alarm. I sleepily looked at my clock: 6:33 a.m.

I stood up and stretched my stiff limbs, the pull after not being used for 8 hours making them feel a little out of palce, yet it felt somehow relieving. A soft knock suddenly came from the other side of my door, breaking the peace I was feeling.

I jumped nervously at the noise, but immediately calmed down remembering it was only my mom. 

"Izuku, honey, are you up?"

"Yeah mom. Come in." She shily opened the door, before turning her back, and, from my point of view, looked like she was grabbing something. My face paled as I saw her come in carrying a huge laundry basket with warm dry clothes.

"Can I please fold it later? I'm gonna be late!" I tried creating an excuse to not fold my clothes. But my mom knew fully well school was about 2 hours from starting.

"No, I'll come back in a bit after folding my own laundry. And yours better be folded by the time I come back, or no breakfast for you."

As she got out the room, I saw part of her face, containing a mischievous smile. I groaned and dumped the pile of now cold clothes on my messy bed. Grabbed a good bunch of them, opened a random drawer and dunked them in.

Welp, that's done.

I gave my room a last glance before walking out it, and went towards the bathroom. Taking a cold shower to snap myself out of my sleepy haze. Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist and quickly ran to my room, hugging my sides because it was cold.

I quickly put on my uniform and sighed in relief at the feeling of warm clothes on my cold skin. Though, the smell of breakfast brought my attention. I walked down the stairs, and patiently sat down in one of the chairs.

I just saw my mom cook, remembering of all the times she cooked dlicious meals for me anytime I got hurt. Suddenly a memory flashed before my eyes, me and Kacchan with my mom and Auntie Mitsuki messily making cookies. I shook my head, trying to forget about it.

"Eat up! You have to grow nice and strong Izuku." Mom ruffled my hair and sat down, putting a roll of Tamagoyaki and serving me some Miso soup. 

"Did you fold your clothes Izuku?"

"Yes Mom." 

"Good. Now go brush your teeth. I'll wash the plates, hurry or else you'll actually be late!" I stood up and did as told, and went downstairs once again, opening the entry door.

"Bye Izuku. Have a nice day, I love you honey."

"I love you too Mom."

I closed the door and was already halfway towards U.A. until I realised she never actually went to my room to check if I had folded my clothes. So it was just a trick to get me to do my stuff, darn it. I always fall for her mom tricks.


=Third Person POV=

Izuku was now approaching the outer gates of U.A., humming a melody his mother would sing to him as a small child. He appreciated the nice calm view. Beautifull cherry blossom trees softly ruffling with the wind, and soft chirps of birds in the distance, petals flowing freely in in the air.

"Oi Deku!" And all the peace and calmness he felt vanished in the snap of two fingers. Instead, replaced by pure anxiety and nervousness. He decided to just stop walking altogether, knowing that if he ignored Katsuki he would worsen his already bad mood. So he sucked up some courage and turned around to greet his ex-childhood friend.

"H-hey Kacchan. What a nice morning rig-" Katsuki closed the distance between both of them, stading face to face before yanking Izuku's shirt and lifting him by the collar. To which he freaked out, and grabbed Katsuki's wrist begging him to just let him go.

"Shut the fuck up nerd. If you get in my way, I'll rip you to shreds. I was the king at our old school, and I'll be the king at this highschool. Got that?!" Izuku just quickly nodded wordlessly, feeling himself falling to the ground moments after that.

"Fucking shitty nerd." He heard Katsuki mumble beneath his breath, watching him walk off into the distance towards U.A.

He stood up, and patted his backside, getting rid of any dirt and dust left on it. Sighing, he wiped some tears forming at the corners of his eyes and walked off towards the same direction as Katsuki.

"Why does he hate me?.."


=Izuku's POV=

I'm worn off.

I'm burnt.

I'm tired.

My energy's been sucked like a juice box. Today's class training was brutal. All Might showed no mercy towards us. He had these very heavy weights on his wrists and ankles to slow him down, but he was still way faster for any of us to keep up with.

The thought of me walking all the way to my apartment made me even more tired. As good as being in my moms arms and eating her delicious meals sounds, I don't really have the energy to walk so much. And if I took the bus I'd probably fall asleep and miss my stop. 

So, my safest bet would to just sleep at our assigned dorms. I took my phone out my pocket, and sent my mom a quick text message, informing her I was not going home. Which she thankfully agreed.

I put my phone back in its place, and opened the door to class 1-A's assigned dorm room building. Being greeted by some fellow classmates, I greeted them back tiredly and excused myself after 5 minutes of light chatting. 

I took a long warm shower, and really took my time detangling my curls with conditioner. I stepped out the shower and put on smoe pijamas. I sat in my bed while eating a granola bar and water as dinner.

That counts right?

I play on my phone, scrolling through social media. Cringy lip sync, rants, stupid trends, humorless raw memes, message from Mr.Aizawa, mukban- hold up, message from Mr.Aizawa?

I quickly opened it up, carefully reading it and analizing what's going on. Apparently its a mission to get take back some people villains captured. It consisted of dividing the class in four groups, the groups divided by seating arrangements, five members in each group including a teacher. 

My group consisted of Toru, Kacchan, Me, Mineta, Momo, and Mr. Aizawa being our assigned teacher. Probably because he's the only one who can keep Kacchan at bay without much violence. the villains were supposedly low-leveled and shouldn't be too hard to defeat them.

Still, we shouldn't let our guard down. I yawned sleepily, and turned off my phone, connecting it to charge. Tomorrow will be a long day. 

Originally: 612 words

Edited: 1,183 words

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now