Chapter 2

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Edited: 11/03/2019

Edited (again): 04/10/2020

=Third Person POV=

Izuku woke up startled from his alarm once again. Quickly, he did his morning routine as fast as he could, and rushed downstairs with toothpaste still at the sides of his mouth. Once he was at the main lounge, he wiped the toothpaste off with his the collar of his hero suit.

Todoroki, today's cook, which mind you, he suprisingly is an excellent cook. Handed him a bolw of steaming rice and grilled fish with chopsticks. Explaining to Izuku that a light breakfast would be best right before a mission. A heavy breakfast can make you feel heavy, slowing you down, and is more prone to make you throw up. Izuku thanked him for the explanation and started eating.

He was about to go upstairs to brush his teeth yet again, but was stopped by hearing his name somewhere in the room. He turned around looking for the person, only to be met up with Uraraka.

"Morning Deku! Did you get the message everyone is talking about? We're all very excited for the mission!" She said excitedly, obviously not thinking of everything that could go wrong, unlike Izuku.

"Ah! God morning to you too Ura, yes, I did read it. Although I read it pretty late" Izuku responded, averting his eyes from the girl and awkwardly laughing, thinking she'll bring his attention for going to sleep at a late hour, like Iida does. But she didn't do that.

"Are you going? Wait- that's not a question. You have to go! We're getting graded from this, did you know?"

"Of course I knew that! It was nice chatting with you for a bit, but I don't think I have any more time left to talk, and neither do you. I have to go. Bye Ura! See you later!" 

"Bye Deku!"

=Kacchan's POV=

Today I woke up to Shitty Hair throwing water on my face, snikering with his stupid-ass shark teeth. Which has got me in a terrible mood today, but I punched the shit out of him so we're somewhat good now. I quickly went down the stairs, and impatiently waited for my breakfast.

Apparently Icy-Hot's the cook today. I mean, he isn't bad at cooking but I can do way better.

I hadn't noticed Deku come into the room, which was quite relaxing for him to not be here. But it was all taken away when I heard his stupid fucking high pitched girly voice.

I acted like I didn't give a shit about him, but I was actually hearing his conversation with Round Face. They were talking about yesterday's message. I didn't really care, until I remebered he was in my team.

Stupid Deku.

Just gonna fuck it up as usual.

I sat down and waited for my fucking plate. I turned my head around ans just stared at him, noticing he got his plate before I did. 

I continued staring at him until he got up and left the dorms. I finally got my food, and I started eating it. My morning was getting a little better until I saw Pepto Bismol and Pikachu walking towards me.

Fuck my life.


=Third Person POV=

Mr. Aizawa called for a meeting at the end of the day, which everyone excpet Mineta attended. Expected from him. It took only around 30 minutes, and they just talked about any possible startegies and the most powerfull villains.

Once finished, the teenagers were dissmised, and they walkd out the room talking about the mission, Kirishima being the loudest exclaiming ho wpumped and ready he was for the mission.

Izuku was one of the last ones to exit the room, he stayed behind talking to Mr. Aizawa asking him about most of the villains, writing it down quickly in one of his various notebooks. He felt unneasy the whole meeting, not because of the upcoming mission, but because Katsuki was glaring at him the whole 30 minutes.

He knew Katsuki thought he didn't belong in that mission. He lowered his head and continued to walk to his dorm. When he was sudenly grabbed by in the shoulder, he instantly turned around and threw a punch aimed to the stomach. but stopped when he noticed it was Katsuki, and not a villain trying to capture him.

"Trying to hit me shitty nerd? What, you suddenly got the balls to do something about me punching you like a rag doll?"

"N-no I just thought that..that you.." he trailed off, not daring to tell Katsuki he thought he was a villain.

"That I what? Come on, say it!" Izuku shook his head, and that ticked Katsuki off more. He punched Izuku in the stomach, knocking the air out of him.

"Tch. Whatever, I don't care what you say anyways." And like everytime, he just walked off, as if he hadn't just hit his childhood best friend for the mosy childish reasons.

After some time, Izuku shakily got up and headed towards the dorms, using the walls as support, clutching his stomach. But keeping a smile on his face and acting normal whenever someone greeted him.


=Third Person POV=

The mission was going to be launched at 6 p.m. To which everybody had to be up and ready at the lounge door by 5:30 to go over the plan with Mr. Aizawa. And at 5:50 everybody divided into their groups and walked off with their assigned teacher.

Izuku's group was now entering the villains area, but stopped when Mr. Aizawa abruplty stopped running. They didn't question him, staying silent and having their guard up incase any villains tried to be sneaky. 

"Crouch. Now!" They all crouched, slowly moving towards the villain's base, seeing all the different people scattered defending their prized possession. 

They started to inflitrate the enemy's base, but the enemy was far ahead than the heroes when it comes to planning. As soon as they stepped foot in the base, all hell broke loose.

=Deku's POV=

I started fighting off lots of villains. They were surprisingly weak, except one, Mr. Aizawa warned all of us about this one. But I didn't think I would end up having to fight him. 

"Ah, what a wonderful quirk you have. You know, I wanted to be a hero. But my quirk isn't too hero-like."

A dark mass started to swallow me up, I tried to fight it, throwing ounches with 10% of One for All, but the dark substance just bended with my fist. Like some type of bubble.

"Do you like it?" The villain clamly stated, looking down on me. Suddenly laughinf maniacally.

"My quirk's called Abyss. It can change one's emotional state. It can be in a positive or negative way. For example, I can really boost your self esteem, or make you as messed up as one of those freaks from the psychiatric wards nearby." 

I started to think of a way to get out of here, but nothing really came to mind. If I use too much power, I'll bounce off the walls and effectively pass out. 

"I've been studying you for some time. You're always happy and joyful, but happiness can't last forever. At least mine didn't. How about, severe depression? That would do wonders to you!"

Originally: 743 words

Edited: 1,208 words 

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now