Chapter 4

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Edited: 07/19/20

=Izuku's POV (third person)=

Izuku woke up, blearily blinking his eyes. He lifted his arms up and pulled, groaning at the stretch as a small smile appeared from the popping of his stiff back and joints. Stopping his movements and freezing altogether, his brain started working up before realizing that his alarm clock wasn't the one to wake him up.

He whipped his head towards the night table with wide eyes, glaring at the innocent clock trying to focus on the blurry numbers. Ah, so that's what happened. His body decided to be a true pain adn wake up 30 minutes earlier than what its really supposed to. Izuku took a random guess that the paranoid churning in his stomach had something to do with that.

He stood up, and made his bed before stepping into the shower, and scrubbed away. Humming softly, some memories from last night came to life, he scrunched his eyebrows. That explained why he felt so restless and anxious, and the unusual puffiness to his eyes, which is caused by crying and not by lack of sleep.

Sighing tiredly he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, and slipped into his uniform, checking himself ot at his mirror.

"Blazer on or off? I look pretty good with the blazer on actually.." he mumbled to himself.

You look bad with or without it anyways, you're not even that attractive to start off.



Izuku made it to the classroom, unimpressed that nobody was there, knowing only staff would be at school this early, yet he still expected people-more like his classmates- to be here. He went to his desk, cringing at the loud noise made by the chair before plopping down, head resting his arms.

"Well of course, just perfect. Get hit by a quirk that makes your mental health more unstable, like the anxiety and guilty thoughts weren't enough huh. Oh god I have to tell All Might about this, and Mr. Aizawa too." He swallowed thickly, keeping tears at bay, not quite succeeding. And that's when the door flew open and Izuku almost screamed like a girl.


Of course, just what he needed. His ex-childhood bestfriend, local hothead, that thinks he's better than everyone else but Izuku's too scared to really say anything like that to him or to anybody to say the least. And Izuku could feel his angry red eyes boring into his messy mop of hair. So he decided to ignore Katsuki.

"Oi nerd. Its way too early, what the fuck are you doing here?" Katsuki asked, an ugly scowl placed upon his face. He was met with silence. Izuku kept ignoring him, muttering to himself from time to time and writing something down on his notebook. Katsuki rolled his eyes and slammed the door closed, before walking up to his own table, which was infront of Izuku's. He decided to stay quiet, trying to listen at what Izuku muttered about occasionally, annoying sniffling included.

"Ok so uh.. depression is basically low serotonin, so I could talk to Recovery Girl about this, and inform Mr. Aizawa of- wait, self harm is also a risk. Yeah, write that down.. hope it doesn't get that bad."

"Tch." And Katsuki slammed his hand down on Izuku's desk, starlting him and making him drop his pen, snatching his notebook, Katsuki started reading the small notes alongside the bullet points.

=Deku's POV=

The second I had turned around to grab my pen from the floor, Kacchan stole my notebook. I tried taking it from him, pulling at his arms- ignoring the rock hard muscle he's packing- but he wouldn't budge one bit. My breathing became labored, and tears came to my eyes once again.

"What the fuck does this mean nerd?"

"Kacchan, please give it back. It's important-" 

I guess Kacchan noticed the panicked state I was in, because he gave the notebook back to me. Although that didn't really calm me down. Cotton stuffed my head, and black painted the corners of my vision.

"Hey nerd- I mean, Deku you okay? Not that I care or anything but- shit, Deku!"

Last thing I saw was my classmates bustling into the classroom.

730 words

Edited: 687 words

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now