Chapter 21

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=Deku's POV=

He grabbed me by my wrist and slid by the walls, to not make ourselves noticed by the group of classmates.

After some time or struggling and akwardly sliding on the dirty walls, we made it out the food court.

"Phew, if they saw us they would've wanted to go with us" I nodded in agreement to Shinso.

"Now c'mon. We gotta go" he started walking to the exit but I grabbed his sleeve, stopping him.

"How are we gonna go? In a public bus? Oh god no... I don't- I- no.. too many people, all stuck together and talking and I don't like it.."

I continued mumbling, my anxiety giving me goosebumps, I started noticing my surroundings, and my hands started shaking violently.

"MIDORIYA" I jolted out of my thoughts and stared at Shinso with a pained expression on my face.

He hugged me tightly "Its ok, I was gonna say we were gonna leave on my car." Oh, I hugged him back and motioned to keep walking.

I was feeling a bit tired after that small attack, but some sleep in the car will make up for it.

<Time skip>

We arrived infront of....? I'm not sure whose place this is.

"Where are we Shinso?"

"Mineta's place. After he was expelled, his parent's refused to pay him an education, so now he lives in a place his parents payed for alone and studies in a public high school"

That's gotta be sad lmao.

"And he was picking on some random gay dude after school in the entrance, and lifted some random girl's skirt and touched her without her consent. So its payback time"

He opened the trunk and took out some.. GUNS?!


"Dang relax dude. These are paint guns" he took out a paint gun and started loading it. After it was full, he threw it at me. I

I catched it akwardly, almost letting it drop. He then loaded his gun, and closed the trunk.

"Sh-shouldn't we use masks for this?"

"Psh. Nah. He ain't even home I bet" he punched me in the shoulder in a friendly way and crouched, getting a good angle on where he wanted to shoot.

I did the same and pointed to the window, I shot and bright pink paint splattered immediately all over the window.

"Hey this is actually kinda fun!" I said still shooting.

"Yeah, lets play a game. I'll choose an exact spot where to shoot, whoever gets it right first, wins and gets to choose the next place"

"Ok! Let's do this!"

<Time skip>

When we heard a bus pull up, we quickly hid in a bush and waited for Mineta to get out the bus.

When the bus doors opened we saw his face of dread appear, all his classmates laughing at him, pointing at his house through the window.

He quickly ran and slammed the front door. We couldn't help but snicker and giggle at this.

"Let's go" we got into his car and stored the guns in the trunk.

"Where do you wanna go? I was thinking the park.." I nodded and reclined the seat.

The ride was silent and peaceful, I felt my eyelids heavy and almost fell almost asleep-

"We're here!"

I jolted awake "Holy shiiiiiiiummm.. fiddle sticks!"

"Good. I thought you were gonna cuss, not on my watch. Oh yeah, sorry I scared you"

I opened the care door and made my way out, closing the door. But I guess I don't know my own strenght and accidentally slammed it.

"Woah, steady, this car is my mom's"

I'm so stupid I almost fucking ruined his car oh no wait worse he said its his mom's now he hates ma and won't wanna hang out with me and he wo-

"You ok? You've been out for some minutes"


We walked around, chasing squirrels, sniffing flowers, and much more.

We sat down in a bench to catch our breath, but something caught me eye. A bridge, and the water on the bottom glistening.

"Can we go to the bridge? Its really pretty" I asked innocently.

"Huh? Oh yeah sure"

I stood up and leaned on the bridge, rhe water looked sparkly and reflected my face.

I could see it all, all of my imperfections.

My chubby face that made me look fat, my big round eyes that made me look like some type of child, my stupid green hair that looked like a tree.

I hated it all.

"I'm going to the bathroom, coming in a minute" I stayed silent, I heard him but didn't wanna respond.

I could hear him walk off, his shoes cracking with the small rock and dirt.

Just do it.

Perfect chance.

He wouldn't notice.

Nobody would notice.

They probably wouldn't care.

They would get a ton of weight off their shoulders.

Considering I'm like an elefant's weight.

I grabbed on the edge of the bridge, and raised a leg, then the other. Once I was on it, I stood up.

Staring down on my reflection in the water, a tear. Slipping down my cheek, falling in the water making the reflection look distorted and wobbly.

I can do this.

I jumped.

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now