Chapter 3

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Edited on: 11/13/19

Edited (again): 07/16/20

=Izuku's POV (third person)=

Izuku felt his throat close up and his mouth dry out. What is he supposed to say in this situation? He closed his eyes, took a deep breath. making himself gain some fake confidence, fake it till you make it.

"Oh really? Let's see it then."

The villain snickered, or so it seemed judging by the shaking of his shoulders.

"You think I can't see you shaking? It's obvious how scared you are, but I'll give you a point for putting on a brave face."

Another giggle.

Izuku scanned the ground the heroes had currently covered. It wasn't looking too good in his favor. It seemed like the heroes were winning, but all of them were occupied with their own fight, or escorting the injured people.

"I'm pretty sure- no, I know that I'll overcome your dirty tricks."

The villain seemed unnamused.

"I'm not sure you understand the situation very well. I'm telling you-"

"Oh I understand the situation alright. It'll wear off anyways, or Eraserhead can cancel it out. One look at you and your plan's as good as dead."

"As I was saying, we're talking about emotions and feelings here. Sure, my quirk will wear off in two months,"

A bone shuddering cackle came out the villain's throat, as he watched Izuku's eyes widen, hopelessness flood into them.

"Affecting you for about 2 months obviously. But what if you stay depressed after my quirk wears off? What if all those thoughts stay inside your head? What are you going to do? Take daily antidepressants?" another laugh came out.

"Very well. It seems I'm done talking with you."

He snapped his gloved fingers, the dark mass now encasing him and Izuku completely, wrapping itself tightly like tentacles around Izuku's limbs. Which he fruitlessly thrashed around, trying to escape the dark binds.

And then it started to get inside Izuku's body, as if he was sucking in it like a vacuum. Once it was all gone, he plopped to the ground, harshly hitting his head, eyelids now feeling heavy, the last thing his saw was Mr. Aizawa restraining the villain with his scarf.

Izuku started to wake up and open his eyes quickly, closing them at the harsh white light. He then tried again, and opened them slowly, getting accustomed to the brightness.

Scanning his surroundings, he came to the conclusion that he was in the hospital room. the door started to open, and Mr. Aizawa came in, nose scrunching at the strong smell of alcohol overpowering any other smell in the room. He flopped down some of Izuku's casual clothes, with his phone too.

"I see you've woken up, you only had a concussion, other than that it was just some minor bruising and scratching. You've been here for about two days and we've already informed your mom, so don't go asking away."

" Did we win?" his voice came out scratchy, which was noticed by Mr. Aizawa, who gave him a water bottle.

"Yeah, some villains escaped, although they were only weak ones. So the police will be taking care of them in a few days."

Izuku sighed in relief at the good news, and at the water wetting his dry throat. He fiddled with his thumbs before asking.

"May I go home?"

"Yeah sure, don't do anything crazy kid." he then turned around and gave a lousy wave before exiting the room.

He saw his clothes before putting them on, the soft feeling of cotton welcomed by shi skin. Feeling much better than the crinkly hospital gowns. He bid goodbye to any nurses and stepped out of the hospital. Noticing it was very dark.

He checked the hour on his phone, eyes nearly bulging out of his face.

11:33 p.m.?!


"I'm home mom!" Izuku called out, slamming the door by accident with his foot. He winced at the loud sound, hoping his mom wouldn't be mad at him for it. He plopped the bad containing his tattered hero suit in the entrance, and slid his shoes off.

Izuku barely got back up before Inko tackled him in a bone crushing hug, some stray tears included with it. He laughed a little, patting her back and hugging her back softly.

"My baby! I was so scared, but now you're here. And that's what matters. Why didn't you call me to pick you up? Didn't you see how dark it was out there? Anyways, I made okonomiyaki, you must be starving."

And Izuku gladly followed.


Izuku sighed as he stepped out of his steamy bathroom, phone in hand, pyjama pants on, toothbrush in his mouth, some of the foamy liquid dribbling to the floor, and towel draped over his head, covering his moppy wet curly hair.

He lazily scrubbed his teeth as he looked for a comfortable shirt to sleep in, nearly jumping out of his skin with a shriek as his phone dinged loudly in the silence.

It was Katsuki surprisingly, he opened his messages, one by one. He really underestimated his classmates' carrying personalities, after a long two hours of reassuring everyone he was good to go, he moved to the last messages.



Hey nerd, are you ok?

Yes! Thank you for asking Kacchan, I wasn'texpecting it from you

I only did it because the old hag said so


Thank you anyways


He was so happy Katsuki was asking about his health, he sighed for the third time that day, he really thought we had a chance at fixing his old friendship. Katsuki always acts like he doesn't even know him.

What would he do if Izuku suddenly left?

Would he feel bad?

Probably not

"Who's there?!" Izuku called out, anxiety already haywire as he pointed his toothbrush to the emptiness of his room.

Don't worry. I'm inside your head. Remember that villain from two days ago? Well I'm his quirk. I haven't morphed myself with your thoughts yet, since your brain was asleep during those days in the hospital. But I'm about to finish the process, I started ever since you woke up. Good luck dealing with yourself~

And it left as soon as it came. Izuku slumped to the floor, toothbrush clattering to the ground. This wasn't good. To start off, inform Mr. Aizawa, and secondly, to take count of the days.

He grabbed his calendar and pencil.

1,029 words

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now