Chapter 22

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⚠️ This takes place 5 days after the attempt

=Third Person POV=

"He's in a coma" said the doctor with fake pity in his words.

"OH THANK GOD" screamed Inko bawling her eyes out on her best friend's sweater, Mitsuki.

"Sorry hun, but him being in a coma isn't the best of it all"

"But he's alive Mitsuki! That's what matters the most!" more tears came out the woman's red, soft green eyes.

Mitsuki hugged her a little tighter, letting some of her own tears fall, slightly damping the shorter female's greasy hair.

She patted her head in a soothing way "It'll be okay Inko. Izuku n-never gives up!" Right?


"F-fucking Deku" Kacchan squeezed his lover's hand, refusing to let some tears fall down his face.

"Hey" a hand touched his shoulder softly, making him slightly jump. "How are you holding up?"

"I don't fucking know Shoto" he turned around and pulled Shoto in the small sofa at the side of the hospital bed.

"How are you holding up?" Shoto kept quiet thinking of what to answer.

"To be honest, I'm a mess. Heh.. I just want him to wake up and cheer me up like always. Y'know the classic 'Morning Shoto! Kacchan!' Always brightening the morning mood" he sighed sadly, resting his head on Kacchan's shoulder.

"I'd never tell him, but I fucking loved all those little pecks when we ate together, or those sudden hand-to-hand walks in lunch. I got 'mad', over it, but it felt nice"

Shoto slid down Kacchan's body, resting his head on his lap now. "You should get some sleep Shoto, you look like you need it.."

"You should also get some sleep Katsuki, we came here to visit a patient.. not to become one"

Kacchan chuckled at this, it slightly lightened his mood. He started petting Shoto's hair, making Shoto feel drowsy and relaxed.

He rested his head on the wall behind the small sofa and stopped petting Shoto's hair.

"Goodnight Shoto"


"Already asleep I see, better hit the bed too. G'night" he mumbled into thin air, squeezing Deku's hand, which he squeezed back.

Kacchan didn't think much of it, but then it hit him, he squeezed back.


▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now