Chapter 23

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=Third Person POV=

“It seems he’s gonna wake up soon. Give him about 2 days, it should be enough for him to wake up. I’m impressed to be honest, there was a low chance of him waking up since it was quite the fall” the doctor then turned around and left the room, shutting the door behind him quietly.

Everyone stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. “So.. he’s gonna wake up” Katsuki said, trying to break the silence.

“Yeah. I’m happy for my baby, I better get home and start buying some material to make him a big, welcoming, dinner!” Inko stood up.

“Goodbye boys, be good!” she hugged them and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.

Before leaving she gave Shoto a pat on the head. “I love all 3 of you!”

She got out of the room and headed to the grocery store. Shoto stayed silent the whole time.

Is this how motherly love feels like?

He had a warm feeling in his chest, the hug, the sweet caring voice, the kiss on the cheek, the pat on his head, it all felt strange. 

But he likes that strange feeling. 

“You okay peppermint?” Katsuki looked at Shoto concerned “Mhm” he hummed in response. 

“I want Izu to wake up soon. I miss him a lot” he stood up from the small sofa and cupped his lover’s cheek.

Rubbing his thumb over each little freckle, feeling the cold softness of the cheek. 

“I know you miss him.. I also miss him. But we have to stay strong for Deku. He won’t be happy if the first thing he sees when he wakes up is us weeping. That would be fucking catastrophic” he walked over to Shoto and put his hands on his shoulders.

“Mmm..” Katsuki looked at Shoto confused. “You okay?” he picked up Shoto by his armpits like a cat (we’re exchanging Shoto’s and Katsuki’s heights. So Katsuki is 5 '9 and Shoto is 5’7), and placed him on his lap, making them face each other.

Shoto was crying, sobbing actually. He felt guilt in the pit of his stomach, slowly consuming him.

“It was my fault he did this. I-if I didn't take my eyes off of him-” he choked on a sob.

“It's not your fault” he hugged Shoto, making the shorter male hug him back and stop crying a little bit.

There it was, the warm feeling. “I like it when you hug me. I get all fuzzy and warm inside, I feel like you care about me like a mother does” Katsuki didn’t know how to respond.

So he kept quiet.

Maybe he feels like this for the absence of a mother in his childhood. Katsuki thought he’d do this whenever Shoto needed comfort.

He slipped his fingers in Shoto’s hair, his fingers rubbing Shoto's scalp in a caring way, sending tingles down his spine.

This caused more tears to come, Shoto had never noticed how much affection he had missed, neither did Katsuki.

Truth is, Shoto himself had been struggling a bit when he found out what Izuku was doing. 

He felt guilty for not finding out, all the signs, for not noticing. “Just let all of that fucking shit out”

He was a mess, tears down his red, soft, yet sharp face features. Katsuki rubbed his back in soothing circles, making Shoto feel all warm again. After about 15 minutes, he felt sleepy. 

The door suddenly opened, revealing Inko in the doorstep. “Oh honey what happened to you?!” she rushed to Shoto’s side and yanked him from Katsuki’s grasp. 

“You can go home Katsuki. Mitsuki is worried about you, get some rest, I’ll take it from here” Katsuki reluctantly nodded and headed home.

“Are you okay baby?” she hugged him warmly, rubbing his back and petting his hair. Shoto shook his head, some more tears coming down his face.

“C’mere” she held Shoto’s hand gently, making them head in the small sofa. She let go and pulled a handle at the side of the sofa, making it a bed. “Lay down, you need some sleep. Ok?”

He nodded, and slipped into bed. “You’re not okay right? I could see it in you, you were feeling really sad these days, and I obviously get why. Now get some rest” she gave him a peck on the forehead.

She wished she could notice Izuku's pain just as she noticed Shoto's. She gave a quiet sigh, “Sweet dreams honey”

“ you mom” Shoto mumbled sleepily. Inko stopped in her tracks wide-eyed. Poor kid, he never had the experience to have a mother “Love you too..”

<<Time Skip>>

=Shoto’s POV=

“Yeah! And he even called me mom!” who is that? Whos talking? “Really? Damn I’m gonna tease that fucker until the day he dies!” “Bakugo Katsuki language!” Smack! ow, that smack sounded like it hurt. Ok time to get up. 

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up, my back was kinda stiff from the uncomfortable hard mattress. But it's a convertible sofa in the hospital, can’t really ask for more than that.

“Good morning Shoto” I turned around and saw Mitsuki in  her typical white shirt and lavender sweater. She ruffled my hair and started laughing.

“W-what’s so funny?” “You look like Izuku! Yours hair’s pointing towards all directions!” I smoothed my hair down and stood up.

“I’m gonna go get some breakfast. Does anyone want me to bring them somethin-”

“Oh no no! It's Fine Shoto! I made some miso soup before coming here, you can have some” she took out a pot in a plastic bag and poured some on a plastic deep bowl. She closed the pot and handed me the plate. “Eat up!” 

I shyly started to drink the soup slowly, but it was so good that I scarfed it down at the end. “Thanks..” the room suddenly fell silent.

Our gazes wandering all around the place, but mine always ended up on Izu. I shook my head slightly to not think of it.

Wait, where’s Katsuki? He was here in the morning if I’m not wrong.  

“Where is Katsuki?” Mitsuki poked her head out of her phone and answered me. “He went to school already, you should also go, you’re like an hour late” my eyes went wide as I quickly rushed to put on my dirty uniform from yesterday.

I mumbled a quick “Bye” before rushing out and running towards U.A.

1,134 words

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now