Chapter 13

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=Deku's POV=

I ran as fast as I could, ignoring Kacchan at my doorstep. I made it to the lounge unnoticed, thank God no one was there. I quietly made my way to the door, opened it, slid myself outside and carefully shut it closed.

I jogged over the walls and used one for all to jump over it. I used one for all again to run as far away as I could from U.A. property. I stopped in a park and sat doen on a bench, catching my breath.

I stood up and made my way to some bushes and made my way between them. Not caring if the thorns cut me. I enjoyed the feeling. And there it was.

A small pond with some trees around it. It looked more like a spring actually. Meh. There were some trees around the area, one of them had a treehouse. I climbed up the tree and went in the house.

I sat down and just looked at the place. Memories of Kacchan and me playing when we were kids flashed upon me. I missed those times. *sigh* but they are long gone.

Realization hit me. I told Kirishima about my cuts. I fucking showed him my cuts! I wasn't fully conscious! I was completely driven by emotions. My breathing hitched and turned into gasps for air.

I started shaking uncontrollably, and tears welled up in my eyes. If this keeps going on I'll pass out and everyone will worry even more! Would they?


"M-mom!" I was hyperventilating and shaking, signs of a panic attack. "I'm here hun! Stay with me, ok?" I quickly nodded my head.

"Now then, where are you?" "A-at s-school" "Good!" "Who am I?" I looked at her for a moment. Her face started to make a concerned look.

"Y-you're mommy" her face calmed down and softened into a caring look. "Last one! What's your favorite color?" "R-red, blue, y-yellow a-and white" "Nice! Now breathe in and out 4 times" I did as she said.

"Thats right! Inhale, exhale" when she got to 4 my breathing was steady and I was slightly quivering. "Thanks mom! I love you!" I hugged her and she hugged back.

"Oh my baby! I love you too!"

*End of flashback :')*

I did the same steps my mom told me to do everytime I had a panic attack. Mentally asking myself the questions. When I calmed down I felt like something was missing, but I couldn't quite point it out.

Oh I know! Pain. I put my hand in my pocket and started to fiddle around with my blade. Accidentaly cutting my finger in the process. I smiled lightly. Should I?...

=Kacchan's POV=

I made my way to half n' half's room. "Knock knock motherfucker". I heard some shuffling and the door creaked open. "What a way to start a conversation Bakugo. Why are you here?" "Its about Deku" his eyebrows furrowed and he nodded.

I stepped inside and sat down on a random chair, facing him. I told him the situation and all the weird symptoms and shit. The more I talked the more concerned he looked. Knock knock

I flinched at the sound. Todoroki slowly got up and opened the door. "Oh hey Kirishima" " Can I come in?" "Sure". Kirishima sounded gloomy, sad. Totally not like him.

"Oh. Hey Bakubro" he had a sad look on his face. "So what is it?" "It's about Midoriya". "Oh yeah. We were talking about the nerd right now". "He- he has some serious problems!" Shitty Hair started to cry.

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now