Chapter 8

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Edited: 10/10/20

=Aizawa's POV=

I walked through the mostly empty U.A. hallways, trying to get to my own classroom, occasionally walking up to a staff member or one of those freakish students that is here like 30 minutes before class even starts. I'm so tired from all this mess going on.

Good thing my break is in around 5 days, I'll be able to get my part in sleep. If Mic even lets me sit down before yelling into my ears and dragging me with some random heroes into a local restaurant.

I entered the classroom, taking out the things needed for the lesson, students started filing in not too long after, I closed the door after the horde of students was over.

Whoever's late is missing the first period, because I am not opening that door again until the bell rings.

I pick up my clipboard, my eyes being met with the familiar sight of student names and a small box aside to it. I clicked my pen. Time for attendance.

"Katsuki Bakugou."


Not even the afternoon and already with his hot headed attitude. I checked the box next to his name.

"Izuku Midoriya." Right, the kid's taking a small break--

"H-here ."

My eyes widened. The little fucker actually came to class when I had the honor to give him a personally authorized two day break. I glanced up quickly, taking in his physical state. And yeah, the kid was hit by a bus and you cannot tell me otherwise.

I quickly finished attendance, throwing in the clipboard and pen into a small bag. I yawned, trying to hide it. I didn't get much sleep last night, as usual. It seems like sleep and I just can't have a healthy relationship.

"Alright class, study period. I'll be sleeping so don't wake me up."

=Katsuki's POV=

I went to greet the nerd as usual, but he seemed completely out of it, a half hearted wave and hum followed by it was all I got. I sat down quietly, trying to ignore the awkward short encounter.

I'm worried about the stupid piece of shit. He seems so tired these days, he really isn't fooling anyone with that half assed smile. I miss the real one. The cute one where his eyes crinkle at the sides and it's a little crooked to the left. I mean-- it's not like I like him. I'm just stating the obvious. Shitty Hair started walking up to me, a shit eating grin already forming on his face.

"Good morning Bakubro--"

"Don't call me that."

"Yeah yeah, wanna do something?"

"Like what?" My attention has been peaked, I'm sure it'll be something dumb. I don't trust this guy much from time to time.

"Just mess around. Act all manly and stuff."

"Fuck yeah!"

We started throwing stuff around the classroom, and pretty much the whole class joined in not too long after. It eventually evolved into the guys wrestling with each other on the floor and the girls ignoring us as usual. I broke free from Mustard Hair's arm, a mop of green hair coming to my attention. I smirked.

"Oi Deku!"


"Am I not worthy for your words Deku? Are you too good to not talk to me with words huh?!"

"N-no Kacchan, I'm just very tired."

An empty look crossed his eyes. In a situation like this he'd give me a small smile, not this time though. This time it was different. It really pissed me off to not see that smile today for some reason.

"Call yourself dead Deku!"

"W-wait what'd I do-- eep!"

Small explosions crackled in my hands, bringing the attention of the guys now shirtless and wrestling on the floor. I'm about to blast his ass into the sun. sudden;y my quirk stopped working, I quickly turned around, meeting Mr. Aizawa with a murderous gaze.

He restricted my movement with his scarf and took all that shit they tied me up in on the Sport's Festival. For fuck's sake.

=Third Person POV=

Aizawa walked over to Izuku, signaling him to walk out the classroom to the empty hallway with him. Deku nodded, slipping out the classroom, Aizawa cracked the door open before walking out too.

"I want this class squeaky clean for when I come back." The teenagers quickly nodded, starting to pick up shredded paper scraps.

"What happened there Midoriya?"

"I'm not too sure, I was minding my own business before Kacchan started to bother me a-and pick on me." Aizawa sighed, accompanied by a nod.

"I told you not to come to school today, nor tomorrow."

"Yea, but--"

"No buts, just..take a break yeah? I'll come up with a believable excuse for your classmates, the staff is already notified."


"Also, how's the quirk thing going on?"

Nervousness flashed across Izuku's face before he pushed it down.

"I-its going great. Barely even affecting me."

"Great. Go get your stuff and head over to your dorm room."

=Third Person POV=

Izuku stayed in his dorm room most of the time, isolating himself in his room. Coming out whenever he felt too guilty by ignoring his classmates. Aizawa recommended Izuku's classmates to not knock on his door, he needed his own alone time, and to cope by himself.

Although Izuku used his phone to distract himself, or sleep to pass time. He explored the extents of his self harm too, bright red angry cuts increased on his milky white skin. He didn't really know how to feel about such things.

A sigh of relief left Iuku's chest, just one more week with this stupid quirk. And he doesn't have to worry about anything else. He does have his doubts, what if the self harm continues, or the thoughts never cease.

He feels scared to talk to someone, they'd tell an adult, most likely a teacher, they'd tell his mother. His poor mother who worked so hard to get him a proper education, it'd be too much on her kind soul. Too much for her, and Izuku's starting to feel like it's too much for him as well.

Original: 807 words

Edited: 1025 words  

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now