Chapter 5

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=Third Person POV=

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his eyes and pulling the skin, seemingly deciding what to do. "You, you, and especially you. Take him to Recovery Girl."

"I will do so gladly Mr. Aizawa." Iida carefully picked Izuku up, putting him over his shoulder and stepping out the classroom, telling Kirishima to follow up, followed by an 'I'm gonna wait for Bakubro.' 

"I don't want to fucking go and take care of the shitty ner-"

A murderous glimmer flashed through Aizawa's eyes, sending a shiver down everybody's back.

"This was your doing so own up to it Bakugou."

"Yeah bro, its not manly to not own up to your msitakes."

"Whatever, and shut the fuck up shitty hair." Katsuki turned around before dragging Kirishima behind him.

"Ow, ow, owowowow that hurts stop ow-"


They eventually catched up to Iida, it was omstly silent besides Katsuki's snarky remarks and Kirishima complaining and whining as he pet his sore wrist. Which they were both quickly shut up by Iida quietly reprimanding them that they are not behaving like U.A. students. 

Once they were at the office, Recovery Girl told them to go lay Izuku down on one of the various beds. Which they gracefully, more like carelessly, dropped him into the bed. Courtesy of Katsuki and his short temper. 

"So what happened?" she asked calmly, rummaing through her drawers to find some candy to give the teenagers.

"I believe he passed out due to-" Iida sent a cold glare to Katsuki quickly, "-a panic attack."

"I see. Well, tell Aizawa I'll send him in when he wakes up. Now take some candy and go back to class."

Kirishima's eyes sparkled at the mention of candy, thanking her before taking them and running off to class. Katsuki snatched it and angrily chewed it, followed by Iida politely refusing it, saying something about his balanced diet. The old woman nodded, before patting their backs and making the step outside.


It had been 15 minutes of peacefull silence, filled by keyboard clicking and the humming of the air conditioner. Until rustling was heard and slight kicking, followed by soft mumbling before subsiding. Recovery Girl stopped reading the e-mail currently displayed on her screen, and headed over to Izuku's bed in her office chair.

His eyebrows were pinched and his lips were into a frown, ah so that was it, a bad dream. She smoothed his bangs out of his forehead, noticing he looked a little pale and his nose a rosy color, light bags under his eyes. Probably an upcoming cold. She rubbed his arm softly, ignoring the thick scars along it, stopping once he quieted down once again.

"No, stop it Kacchan. I'm sorry.."

She sighed before going back to her desk, looking through her various medicine bottles to give him some for his small cold. And then the room was once again silent, filled by sofrt hirring and the keyboard clicking.

=Deku's POV=

"Kacchan!" I shot up from my bed, wiping my eyes before sniffling, gripping the sheets until my knuckles went white, and quickly slipped under them. Wait, this isn't my bed, i rubbed the sheets through my fingers. Too thin.

"I see you've woken up. Looks like you had a bad dream." I poked my head out. Recovery Girl. And decided to completely come out of the sheets, them pooling in my thighs. 

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now