Chapter 16

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=Aizawa's POV=

I asked the kids what was going on. They started explaining about the tea set breaking, and then Todoroki admitted that he had slapped Midoriya. I was furious, I rubbed the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down. "So you're telling me that you slapped a severely emotionally unstable person over a fucking tea set"

They nodded in shame. "BUT I DIDN'T SLAP THE NERD!" I looked at him with a 'are you serious' look. "You still shouted at him, that probably triggered him. I don't know what I'll do with you two. But you are in serious problems with. Me"

They looked a little scared but kept quiet. "I'll go check on Midoriya, no one disrupt us please" I said to the class eavesdropping on us. They nodded vigorously and scurried away.

Since Midoriya and Todoroki lived in the same floor I just had to take a 3 minute walk to his room. Knock knock "go a-away" his voice cracked, he sounded heartbroken. If Hizashi were to slap me I would be heartbroken too.

"It's me, Aizawa" I tried to make my voice sound as caring and sympathetic as possible. "I don't care. Go away!" now he sounded a little angry and he was raising his voice.

"Look kid, just open up we can talk about it" the door opened but he didn't come out, so I invited myself in his room. As I moved around I saw a blade and blood on the floor. *sigh* At least he went 1 month without it, he tried. That's what matters.

He was surprisingly wearing a short sleeved shirt, I guess since it was only me he didn't care about his cuts showing. I stared at his arm, some blood was still sliding down. I looked over his other arm, same thing. His hands were shaking a little.

I looked over at his right hand, his knuckles were destroyed! "Woah! What happened to your knuckles! Let's get you to Recovery Girl so she can heal your...cuts" I motioned him to follow me and he stood up, following behind.

People stared at his arms and loudly gasped at the sight of his cuts. "Poor Deku! I knew he cut, but I never had a chance to see them!" Uraraka cried while hugging Iida. Not the right time to cry.

"Midoriya-san! What happened to your knuckles?" He just turned his head to the side, ignoring Momo. "Not even I know what happened. Tell your classmated to not push it please" she nodded and started whispering in other people's ears.

I looked behind me to see Midoriya wiping a tear away with the back of his good hand. But another one came, he wiped that one too. And another one came, they wouldn't stop coming.

He fell to the floor and started crying helplessly, it was heartbreaking to see him like this. I crouched and pulled him into a hug, he hugged back and cried on my shoulder. Gripping my clothes tightly.

After some minutes he had calmed down and pulled away. He stood up "Let's continue going" I stood up and led him to the elevator, we got in and patiently waited.

Ding! I made my way out, him following me. We got to the lounge "Izu! Oh my god what happened to you?! Look at your hand!" great, I told them not to push it.

=Deku's POV=

"Don't call me that" my said stern and full of hatred. He looked at me surprised but he just softened his expression "I'm sorry! I was so mad at you fo-"

"Shut up, save it" I touched my cheek to see if the mark of Todo's hand was still there. I winced by my fingers touching my sore cheek, that's a yes, my cheek still hurts. "Don't be so cold on Todoroki, Deku"

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP" Kacchan looked at me surprised. The whole class came in the lounge to watch shit go down. "Deku, you said you would stop cuttin! BUT HERE YOU ARE WITH YOUR FUCKING ARMS DRENCHED IN BLOOD" "DID I FUCKING STUTTER KACCHAN?!"


I flicked my fingers, using 5% of one for all. Making everything and everyone tumble backwards. I clenched my teeth and let the tears fall down my face.

"MIDORIYA THAT'S ENOUGH. We need to get you to Recovery Girl. Your other cuts opened up, if you continue you'll pass out from blood loss" I just looked at him and started walking, giving everyone a death glare.

We got out and headed towards her office. I just kinda zoned out until "How did you hurt your knuckles?" "I punched the floor" I decided to keep the answers short. I'm not in the mood to talk.

We made it a little after that akward conversation. We walked in the office and Mr. Aizawa told Recovery Girl to heal me. "Oh dear god. You were doing so well honey"

She cleaned my arms and my hand. After that she gave them a kiss and I started to feel awfully sleepy. Then everything went black.

=Third Person POV=

After Midoriya left the lounge everyone started to pick everything up. Todoroki and Balugo stood up and stormed upstairs. "I think Todoroki pushed Deku's buttons" Uraraka said sadly.

"In situations like these I would prefer to be left alone" Iida said while rubbing Uraraka's back. "The teachers informed us about Midoriya-san's depression and cutting. But I had never seen it, it was way worse than I thought" Momo said concerned.

"They say he has more cuts, not only on his arms, kero" "WHAT?!" Asui just shrugged as she continued to pick things up. "Yeah, he had some on his upper thighs and his torso" people looked at Kirishima surprised.

"How were they? Were they like super gruesome and- oh! And-" Kaminari was cut off by the front door opening. There they saw Aizawa carrying Deku like a sleeping baby.

He looked so peaceful. "Is Midoriya gonna be okay Mr. Aizawa?" most of the class asked in a whisper. "He'll be alright. He would've done many more cuts if I hadn't interrupted him" the class had a gloomy aura, they nodded and continued to organize.

"Anyone wanna volunteer to take care of him for one night?" the class was silent. "I'll take care of him" everyone looked shocked at Tokoyami. Aizawa handed over Deku to dark shadow and Tokoyami made his way upstairs towards his room.

The bird boy made his way inside his room and carefully placed Deku on his bed. Deku rolled over to one side and then went limp again. Dark shadow took out an extra mattress and placed it on the floor. He covered it with some extra bed attire and dissapeared leaving only Tokoyami and Deku.

"Thanks Dark Shadow" the shadow came out and just nodded. He looked over to Deku and looked worried, he turned his head towards Tokoyami with the same worried expression.

As if asking 'is he going to be ok?'. "No one really knows if he's gonna be ok. I can't gibe you an honest answer. Now go to sleep" dark shadow dissapeared and went to sleep.

Tokoyami got into the mattress and covered himself with the warm fluffy covers. Falling into a dream about him being the emperor of darkness.

1,259 words

▪I'll never get over it▪(Suicidal! Deku) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now