Winners and losers that win(multiple ships)

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There Ash Ketchum stood, in the center of a huge circular stage. He wasn't sure how he got roped into this, nor how his female friends did, and they weren't either. Standing off to the side of the stage we're his friends Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, and Serena.

"Now, here we are!" The announcer said over the loud speakers. "Ash Ketchum will be telling all of us who he has fallen in love with!"

The crowd exploded in cheers of excitement.

'Who knew my love life was such a big deal to these people.' Ash thought.

Ash as well as almost every girl he had ever met were put through this 'show' of sorts. Where Ash sorted through all of them, and now it was down to these five. This was tough. These girls were his friends, he didn't want to hurt them, but after a lot of thought, Ash came to a conclusion.

In the crowd, a few rivals stood on the sidelines. Although, they were there for the same reason, to see if Ash would pick the one they love. There was Drew, Trip, Tracey, and Clemont. Each one hoping he wouldn't pick their girl.

"Let's begin!" The announcer yelled. "Who will Ash choose? Will he pick the one he loves first and put all the others out of their misery? Or will he wait til the end to reveal who stole his heart?"

Ash took in a breath to calm his nerves. This was a lot to handle, but he couldn't get out of it now.

"May, could you come up here please?" Ash asked.

May jumped in surprise, but quickly approached him. She looked nervous, almost scared, but she has nothing to worry about.

"Ah! He has selected May. Will she be the one or be sent on her way."

Drew hung his head 'Of course he chose May. Who wouldn't?' He had to leave the stadium, unable to witness such a seen.

Ash smiled at May, and began "May, I have had a great time traveling with you, and being your mentor. But, only ever saw you as a sister." May was beyond relieved by this news. "And lets be honest here, I think we both know you have a thing for someone else."

"Yeah. Thanks Ash." May grinned. She then walked to the edge of the stage to watch. May glanced over her shoulder, but didn't see Drew. 'Where did he go? I...guess I'll have to look for him after.' May thought.

"And May is out, so that leaves four ladies."

Ash turned back to the group. "Iris."

Iris slowly strolled up to him, mixed feelings and fear of what he would say. On one hand, she did have a small crush on raven haired boy, but she had also developed feelings for someone else.

"Hi Ash." Iris greeted quietly.

"Hey. Iris, I want to say that even though I never saw you as more than a friend, our friendship was one of the best things about my trip to Unova." Ash declared. Then he whispered to her "and I think someone else is going to be happy I didn't choose you."

Iris smiled, but gave a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Ash." She then skipped over to join May.

"Iris joins May in the loser circle! Only three girls remain! Let's see what happens next!"

Misty, Dawn, and Serena stood, nervous for their traveling companion's choice.

"Misty." Ash waves for her to come over.

Misty held her breath in anticipation as she walked. Serena let out a breath of relief that it wasn't her.

"Ah Misty, my first best friend, my first crush, and first girl to travel with me. I have to say, despite all our fighting, I'm glad to have met you and I really hope we can continue to be friends." Ash remarked.

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