To save the timeline- Pearl/Geekchic (edited)

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Deep within a forest in the Kalos region, a portal suddenly appeared, disturbing the tranquility of the area. Even more so when two screaming girls fell out of it with a small, white, electronic device.

They landed on the forest floor, falling flat on their faces. The girls groaned out in pain as they sat up to dust themselves off.

One of the girls had long black hair, blue eyes, her skin was a touch tan.

She wore a purple wrap shirt with a dark purple skirt and white sneakers. Her name was Ashley.

The second girl had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and her skin was pale. She wore a white, off the shoulder top with a pink and white plaid skirt and light pink boots. Her name was Gracie.

After dusting themselves off as best they could, Ashley looked around their new surroundings. They were in a forest, just like they had been told. But was it the right one? As she continued to look around she noticed the portal close behind them.

"Well, the portal is gone. Is this the right time and place?" Ashley asked.

"Um..." Gracie muttered.

She turned and picked up the device. She tried to read the screen but it was cracked and wasn't on anymore. So, she tried pushing a few buttons to turn it back on. However, no matter what she tried, it wouldn't budge.

"I hope so, because this thing is busted." Gracie sighed.

"What! But...but how are we supposed to get back when we fix this?" Ashley panicked.

"Well, maybe when the timeline is fixed, we will be sent back." Gracie suggested, trying to be reassuring.

"You're right...I hope. Anyway let's just find our parents before they do." Ashley stood up. "Now, let's go!"

Gracie nodded and stashed the device away before following her friend. The duo began to search the forest for an exit. Although, they tried to stay focused and calm, Ashley couldn't help but worry.

"This is the turning point day, right? You entered the right info?" Ashley asked, just to be sure.

"I think so, but this is more Toby's area of expertise." Gracie shrugged. "Even if he is only 6...he's a smart cookie."

"And what exactly is your area of expertise, again?" Ashley questioned.

"Oh, you know, shopping, makeup, fashion, baking, pokevision videos, and of course boys." Gracie blushed at the last one.

"Oh, right. How could I forget? Wait...boys? As in more than one?" Ashley wondered.

"Well, when all our guy friends are super cute, you can't blame me. There's Gary and Miette's son Jace, Kenny and Brianna's son Jaxon, Bianca and Virgil son Kyle, Drew and May's son August, even Burgundy and Cilan's son Benjamin is pretty cute, and of course your brother, Tommy." Gracie counted off her fingers.

"I hate to break it to you but, Tommy and Annie are going to end up together. They obviously have huge crushes on each other. Not that either will admit it. Even Max ships them, but I think that's only so he can say him and Ash are related." Ashley laughed.

"Aw." Gracie pouted. "That's-"

"Shhh! Get down!" Ashley pulled Katey down behind a bush with her.

"What?" Gracie whispered.

"Look." Ashley pointed out into the distance.

Gracie squinted in attempt to make out what Ashley was pointing at. At first, nothing stuck out to her as out of the ordinary. But four familiar figures came into view. It was Ash, Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena. From what they could see, they were in a forest clearing having lunch.

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