Protect what's important- Pearl/Geekchic

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"Serena? Serena? Serena please wake up!"

Her eyes slowly flustered open at the sound of her name. At first, her vision was to blurred to make out her surroundings. But once her sight was clear, she saw Clemont standing before her, a worried look on his features.

"Clemont? Wh...what happened?" Serena asked, in a bit of a daze.

"I'm so glad your ok." Clemont gushed, hugging her tight. Tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

Serena slowly hugged him back as she looked around in confusion. She was in the back of an ambulance, along with an unconscious and severe damaged Ash, and a slightly battered Dawn sobbing next him. She was worried for her friends, but had no memory of what happened to them.

They were brought to the hospital. Ash was scent to into the emergency room immediately, while Dawn and Serena were treated for their much more minor injuries. Dawn's injuries were mostly scraps and bruises, but Serena had a spirant ankle and hurt shoulder. So, Dawn, Clemont, and Serena stayed at the hospital but Bonnie was sent home for safety.

After his surgery, Ash fell into a coma with little promise off waking up. Given the pain of Serena's injuries, she rested as much as possible. Clemont hardly ever left her side and Dawn didn't leave Ash's.

It was late in the evening, Clemont sat next to Serena's bed, gently holding her hand. His mind busily trying to figure out what could have happened. He was sure everything was 100% secure, but he was wrong. Now, his friends are hurt.

He glanced over at his unconscious friend. Ash had an oxygen mask over his mouth and several other wires along his arms, reading his vitals, bandages along his body. One large bandage rapped around his forehead from the gash he received from the shrapnel. Dawn had hardly left his side. She was truly devastated by what happened to him and it was so easy to see her heartache.

"Any difference?" Clemont broke the deafening silence.

Dawn look up from Ash to Clemont. Her eyes brimming with tears.

"No." Dawn whimpered, giving Ash's hand a light squeeze.

Clemont winced, feeling worse. He turned away and squeezed Serena's hand for comfort. Unintentionally, waking her up.

"Clemont?" Serena yawned.

"Serena!" Clemont jumped back, quickly removing his hand in hopes she wouldn't notice.

"What happened?" Serena asked, drowsily.

It's what she always asked when she woke up. No one had told her yet. Dawn was still to emotional to tell and Clemont refused to admit to her that it was his fault.

"You two are still here?" A nurse questioned. "You need rest as much as your friends."

"Yes ma'am." Dawn and Clemont replied.

"Bye Serena." Clemont muttered and walked out of the room.

Dawn leaned down and kissed Ash on the head. "Bye Ash. I'll see you tomorrow." She brushed her fingers through his hair before leaving as well.

Serena watched her affections and found that she wasn't really jealous anymore. It was driving her crazy not knowing what happened. A few days ago, Serena would be burning with jealousy and on some level, be happy to be stuck in the same room with him. She was worried about Ash, but she was more concerned with her lost memories.

"Are you ready for dinner, Serena?" The nurse asked, politely.

"Sure." Serena answered.

The nurse nodded and left to go get her some food, leaving Serena with her thoughts.

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