Sleep spell- orange/Contest/pearl/rocket

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This was a sort of request by 1ddirectioner93. I changed a lot of the original idea. Thank you for the idea nonetheless. 


After so many failed attempts to capture pikachu, team Rocket believed they had a foolproof plan. They had a special device that conjured up something similar to a sleeping spell in fairytales. The trio intended to use it on Ash so they could steal Pikachu and not have to worry about him fighting back.

However, there were two separate power sorceresses for this device that gave different results. But they didn't know that. So they simply put one in without much thought.

With the device finally together, they put their plan into action. They hid in a bush near a little party being thrown for Ash. All his friends had come to visit him. There was Delia, Misty, Tracey, Brock, Lucy, May, Max, Drew, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie.

The group of friends were having a blast at the party. All of them where laughing, chatting, and eating the delicious food buffet that Delia had prepared for them.

Meanwhile Jessie, James, and Meowth saw the perfect moment, and they took it. Meowth turned on the device and a pinkish mist leaked free. It headed towards the party goers.

"Hey, what is that?" Max pointed to the weird mist.

The group turned in surprise but had absolutely no idea what it was. Until it got too close. Misty, May, and Dawn fell under the affects of the spell before they could get away. Though as it came closer it didn't affect the guys at all.

"Get the girls out of here!" Ash warned.

The rest of the girls as well as most of the guys ran off. The only guys that stayed were Ash, Drew, and Tracey. To make sure they would be safe, he took out one of his Pokéballs.

"Staraptor! Use gust!" Ash called his Pokémon free and he obeyed.

The pinkish mist was blown back at the team Rocket trio and Jessie too fell under the affects.

"Is everyone else ok?" Ash asked.

"Yeah but they aren't." Tracey worried as he look to the three unconscious girls.

"What do we do? How did this even happen?" Drew wondered as he knelt down and cradled May.

"Um...we might know something about that."

The three turned to see James stepping out of the bush with an unconscious Jessie in his arms. He looked worried and uneasy.

"What did you do?" Ash growled. "How do we wake them up?"

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed in agreement.

"Hold off on the beating. I'm looking for it." Meowth walked out with his face buried in the small instruction manual for their device. "Ah! Here it is!" Meowth popped up.

"Well, spit it out!" Drew demanded.

Meowth gave the four a smug, amused smirk before he answered. "It says here that the ONLY way to free them from this, is a kiss." The four males instantly blushed. "And it has to be with love or else it won't work." Meowth then flipped the paper book closed and plopped down. "So, who is up first?"

Meowth smiled, silently wishing he had some popcorn for the mass of awkwardness that was about to unfold.

"So..." Ash trailed off, having absolutely no idea what to make of this situation. He cleared his throat. "What do we do now?"

"I guess we don't really have another choice. We have to kiss them." Tracey replied.

Drew instinctively pulled May closer. He was not about to let them anywhere her. If anyone was going to kiss May awake, it was going to be him.

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