A new promise- orange/pearl

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Ash and Misty sat in the quiet of the near empty gym. They were supposed to talk, but neither could find the right words.

"So...you're going to Hoenn next?" Misty broke the silence between them.

"Yeah. In three days." Ash replied.

"Oh." Misty looked away. "Well, I hope you have fun."

Ash glanced at Misty, knowing what she was feeling, and how she had always felt about him. He did feel the same, but he also had his dreams to think about. Which left his romantic life as a second priority to his life long dream, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt him.

"Misty, I know this is hard for you. It is for me too." Ash said as he scooted closer onto her.

"Really?" Misty asked, looking back at him.

"Of course!" Ash smiled. "I always miss you so much when we are apart, and...believe it or not, I actually have feelings for you too. It's just...being a Pokémon master is so important to me. I don't want to hurt you but..."

"I know. I understand, Ash." Misty replied, still a bit sad.

"But hey, this doesn't have to mean anything can't happen." Ash pointed out.

"What are you saying?" Misty asked.

She hoped that he meant what she thought he meant.

"I'm saying...wait for me." Ash explained. "I know it will be hard, but I think it will be worth the wait. Don't you?"

"Yes. I will. I promise, I will wait as long as it takes." Misty nodded. Ash smiled, and the two embraced. "I'll miss you, so much."

"I'll miss you too."

But that promise was years ago, and as much as Misty wanted to keep her heart with Ash, it moved into someone else. The sweet, Pokémon watcher in training, that had been there for her more than anyone else.

Tracey had stolen her heart, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Not when she promised to wait for Ash.

Little did she know, that Ash was having a similar problem. Ever since he left Sinnoh, his blue haired best friend had plagued his mind. He tried to bury it, and focus on other things, such as his training. However, no matter how hard he tried, Dawn's pretty smile remained in the front of his mind.

"Hey Ash, are you feeling alright?" His friend Iris asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine." Ash replied.

Honestly, he wasn't. He just couldn't bring himself to let his friends worry. Especially since Dawn had come to visit, bring every since feeling he tried to bury, bursting to the surface.

"You don't sound fine." Dawn sounded from across the room. "If something is bothering you, you can tell us. We are your friends after all."

Ash stared at her with a blank expression as he got lost in thought. His mind drifting back to the promise he made to Misty. He couldn't break it, but maybe he didn't have to.

"Ash?" Cynthia snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah...um...can I barrow your phone?" Ash asked the Sinnoh champion.

"Of course. It's over by the kitchen. Help yourself." Cynthia replied. Ash nodded and went over to the phone. "Come on girls. Let's give him some privacy."

Cynthia went to the porch, and Iris and Dawn followed. Although, Dawn paused in the doorway a moment, staring off in the direction Ash had walked off in.

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