How I wish it ended- Pearl/Geekchic

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With the losses at the Kalos league and the grand Showcase, Ash suggested that they pay a visit to his home back in Kanto. They agreed, but didn't want to intrude, so they wanted ask permission first.

"Hey mom." Ash greeted through the video call.

"Oh, hi honey." Delia smiled on the screen. "How are you? I'm sorry about your loss, but you did so well. I couldn't be prouder of you."

"Thanks mom." Ash chuckled. "So, I'm calling because I wanted to ask if my Kalos friends and I could stop by for a visit?"

"Of course! You don't even have to ask." Delia assured. "Now get here as soon as possible! I want to see my baby in person."

"Mom! I'm not a baby anymore." Ash protested.

"I know, but you'll always be my baby." Delia giggled. "Oh, someone is at the door. I'll see you later. Bye."

"Bye Mom." Ash smiled and hung up. He then rejoined his friends.

"So?" Bonnie chirped.

"She said yes." Ash replied.

"Yay!" Bonnie cheered. "A new region, with new cute Pokémon and possible girls to take care of Clemont!"

"Bonnie! That is not why we are going." Clemont argued.

'I can't believe I'm going to Ash's home region! I'll meet his mom and we will bond so much, she will see me as a daughter and encourage me to go after Ash! It's perfect!' Serena thought happily. 'I might not get to work with Palermo, but as long as I get to be with Ash, I don't really care.'

"When are we leaving?" Bonnie asked.

"I was thinking as soon as our Pokémon are healed." Ash answered.

"Oh, right." Bonnie laughed.

"We should probably get our tickets now." Clemont stated.

"Yeah. Let's do it." Ash agreed.

So, the four of them got their tickets and boarded the plane to Kanto, once their Pokémon were well rested and ready. It wasn't to long of a plane ride, and once they were off, they headed straight towards Pallet Town. Eventually to Ash's house.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" Ash called when he opened the front door.

"Pika, pika!" Pikachu added.

"Where are you?" Ash wondered aloud.

"I'm right here, honey." Delia smiled, exiting the kitchen. "And these must be your friends. It's so nice to meet you, and thank you for helping my son."

"It's no problem." Clemont assured.

"Yeah! Traveling with Ash has been tons of fun!" Bonnie squealed in delight.

"Oh, Ash, I almost forgot. One of your friends is here to see you too." Delia announced.

"Really? Who is it?" Ash asked excited.

"You can come out now." Delia chimed towards the kitchen.

They all turned to see who it could possibly be. Serena hoping it was a guy friend. Out came the familiar blue haired coordinator, with a bright smile on her face. The only difference was that her hat was absent.

"Hi Ash." Dawn greeted, a bit bashful. "It's been a while."

Ash approached her slowly, as if in a trance. Serena watched, concerned for his strange behavior, and Clemont held Bonnie back, covering her mouth before she had the chance to ask Dawn to take care of him. He stopped right in front of her, with a smile on his face. Dawn raised her hand, but instead of their signature high five Ash hugged her instead.

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