Accidentally time travel- Pearl/Contest

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It was just a regular day in the Pokémon world, but it was about to change. Ash Ketchum was out in the woods of Hoenn, visiting May and Dawn, who happened to be there too. Dawn had asked to meet him to tell him something important and Ash agreed.

However, he got distracted trying to catch a Pokémon and that's how, he ended up in the woods, lost.

"What do we do Pikachu?" Ash asked his Pokémon partner.

"Pikachu." Pikachu sounded, unsure.

"Aw man. Why did I leave all my other Pokémon back in Kanto?" Ash complained, collapsing on the ground. "Now I'm going to be late!"

Pikachu sighed. Neither was really sure what to do, so the two sat and waited.

Meanwhile, Dawn waited anxiously for Ash to arrive at the cabin the four of them would be staying. For the special visit, Ash, Dawn, May, as well as Drew, but he would be coming a bit later, would stay at the cabin for a bit as a sort of vacation. Also a time to confess how they feel. May insisted on helping Dawn get her feelings out to Ash and Dawn promised Drew to help with May. It was supposed to be simple, but so far it wasn't going as planned.

"Where is he?" Dawn wondered, aloud.

"I'm sure he will be here any minute." May assured,. 'He should have been here ages ago.'

"I don't know. What if he forgot, or got lost or something?" Dawn worried.

"Hey, hey, don't worry. I know, I'll go find him!" May replied.

"No wait, May!" Dawn called out but it was too late, she was gone. "Great, now I have to explain to Drew why May isn't here."

In the forest, May also got pretty lost, but luckily for her, she had her Beautifly.

"Beautifly take the stage!" May called her Pokémon out.

"Beauty fly!" The butterfly Pokémon cheered.

"Beautifly can you help me find Ash?" May asked. The Pokémon nodded and flew up and around. "Great! Lead the way." May followed the butterfly through the forest to find the raven haired boy.

"Why don't we just start walking?" Ash asked. Pikachu shrugged and stood up. Ash stood up too, "Ok, let's go."

Suddenly, a frightened Celebi flew before the two.

"Celebi!" It shrieked in fear.

"Hey, it's ok. No need to worry, ok?" Ash said gently.

Then May popped out and grabbed Ash's arm. "Come on Ash we need to go." May instructed.

The suddenness, scared the poor Celebi and it fired a beam of light at them, sending Ash and May through time. When the light disappeared, Ash, May, and Celebi were gone. Pikachu and Beautifly were left, confused and horrified.

The two trainer's landed in a forest, unsure of what happened, or if anything happened at all.

"Where are we?" May asked, very confused.

"I don't know, this looks like the same forest, but where is Pikachu?" Ash wondered looking around.

"And what happened to my beautifly!" May shrieked in horror.

"I don't know, let's just get out of this forest and find Dawn and Drew." Ash suggested. "I'm sure our Pokémon are with them."

"Yeah, your right." May remarked, hoping it's true.

So the duo walked through the forest for what felt like forever. They finally got out but, everything looked really different, especially to the Hoenn native. Everything looked more technologically advanced and upgraded. It was weird.

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