The Luvdisc know- multiple ships

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A few of Ash's friends had decided to meet up for a small reunion. There was Ash, Dawn, Serena, Clemont, May, who dragged Drew along with her, and Misty. Though, Misty was running late.

"What do you think is taking her so long?" May wondered aloud.

"No idea, but I'm sure she will be here soon." Ash replied.

Right on cue, Misty came running up to the group.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, but I saw something I think we should try." Misty declared as she joined them.

"What is it?" Dawn asked.

"It's the Luvdisc spring." Misty smiled.

"Luvdisc spring?" Ash questioned.

"Yep. It is this really pretty hot spring where you can relax and admire all the Luvdisc. Though, you should know that these Luvdisc are very special. They have an unbeaten track record for knowing where the heart lays and seeing the strongest love." Misty winked.

Just about everyone's faces lit up with blushes, but before anyone could protest, Serena practically pushed everyone there.

"Let's do it! That would be so much fun!" Serena exclaimed in pure joy. "Lead the way Misty."

"Sure thing." Misty giggled. "But we are going to need swimsuits first."

"Oh, right." Serena remarked.

Once they got their swimsuits, Misty lead them to the springs. When they got there, they were surprised to see Tracey waiting for them outside.

"Hi Tracey. Thanks for meeting us." Misty beamed.

"Of course." Tracey smiled to her.

"Ok, let's change and head for the springs." Misty cheered.

They nodded in agreement and went in. Misty checked them in and everyone got changed into their swimsuits. Misty had a navy blue one piece, May had her red bikini, Dawn had a frilly pale and dark blue bikini, Iris had her pink one piece, Serena had a red bikini, the guys just had swim trunks in their favorite colors.

With their suits on, they all headed for the springs. Misty wasn't kidding. It was beautiful. The floor was a smooth gray marble. The sweet smells of lavender and apple blossoms drifted through the air as the apple blossom trees hung over the shimmering water. The lovely heart shaped Pokémon swam about the large spring, chirping happily to each other.

"Let's go in." Misty instructed. "The trick is to go in slowly and let the Luvdisc guide you."

They all nodded and slowly entered the warm water. Misty and Tracey were the first to enter and the Luvdisc quickly encircled them. The two locked eyes and blushed, though Tracey looked away in embarrassment. Misty gently took his hand and his gaze shot back to her, in surprise.

"You see, the Luvdisc swim around two people they think would be a good match." Misty informed. She then turned back to Tracey. "Come on." Tracey allowed himself to be lead into a bit deeper water. "Look, I know this might seem really sudden, but I thought this would be a good time to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Tracy questioned.

"That I love you." Misty admitted and kissed him.

Tracey was quick to kiss her back. When they parted, the two gazed lovingly into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.

"I love you too, Misty." Tracey confessed.

Once that was said and done, the Luvdisc left them alone to go help more couples.

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